joining eels


New Member
i am a new tank owner, and have a 300 gallon aq with living color reefs and an eel cave. I want to join a tesselata of about 20 inches to a white mouth that is allready in the tank and is about 24 inches. I have 2 4-5" lions and would like to add a ray if possible. Cool? Or no...


Active Member
Tesselata Morays are not for home aquaria, IMO. It's gonna grow very quickly and before you know it, your Lions and Whitemouth will be lunch.


New Member
I love their look and I hear they are quite aggresive, can I add a smaller one? If not, what would be a good mate?


Active Member
Nothing is going to be a good mate for a Tesselata. If they're not big enough to swallow the prey their after, they'll just kill it anyway. They really need to be kept in a species only tank.
I've kept my 30" Whitemouth with a large variety of fish and have never had any problems. I've kept him with everything from a 15" Volitan Lion to 5" Queen Trigger...and everything in between. My Whitemouth has been with my Hawaiian Dragon for almost 4 years, now.


Active Member
stingray is a def. possibility if you go with a smaller species and have only 100 or so pounds of live rock, but the way you describes your tank it sounds like you have way too much live rock for a stingray.. they need ALOT of open area


New Member
Reefs are vertical up the ends of the tank with eel cave centered in the middle. Lots of sand to plat in but the eels live right in the middle but do spend a fair amount of time in the reefs which are 40 inches tall at both ends


Active Member
You can upload them to PhotoBucket and then all you'd have to do is paste the links here...that's what I do...and it's your best bet. If you do that, the pics will be full size, instead of the tiny ones you've posted.
I was wanting pics cause I'm really interested in the coral replicas you have. I have a 30" tall 200gal. tank and have been wanting to invest in a few coral walls, if they look good enough.
And...IMO means "In my opinion". There's also IME, which is "In my experiance".


New Member
for a good mate for my white mouth. The HDE is nice for about $800 but their has to be more choices. I'm not a snowflake guy and I really want Tess in there but I'm afraid East side is right. HELP>>>>>>>>>>