Journal of my 29 Gallon Biocube

Hello everyone!

I'm pumped to finally get back into the Saltwater area. I just got a heck of a good job in the Real Estate area and that will be more than enough to pay for my favorite hobby. I just purchased a 29 gallon aquarium from Dr. Foster & Smith today and I feel like I got a steal on it because it was on backorder for the 29th of this month which is right around the corner and I ended up paying $195 bucks for it and I got free shipping with it but decided to go with the 5.99 5 business day shipping so it get here a little faster. It should be here in about 2 weeks or less so I'm so pumped!!

I'm thinking about a stocking list right now and I thought I get some ideas from you all. Of course I would like it to be a reef tank so here are the fish stocking list.

1) 2 black and white clowns

2) 1 flame angel

3) 1 fuzzy dwarf lion

That is all I have for now but this actually might be all I can pull away with. What do you all think and feel free to mix around my options.

Have a blessed day,



Well-Known Member

29g is very small... What other equipment are you planning? ........................
Hi Flower,

As in equipment you mean fish or mods for the aquarium?

I decided to do more research and decided not to add the puffer and the flame angel because I heard it is too small of a tank so the 2 clowns stay and instead of the flame I wanna add the flame back angel and for the other fish I don't know what else I really want but I def will be adding live rock to get the cycling going. Oh, i canceled my order on Dr Foster cause they moved the date up to another month and I talked to my local fish store and they are cutting me a deal for 259. I got it down from 240 to that so I'm happy and ill pick it up tomorrow….yay!!! Super excited.
Alright guys so I went to pick up my 29 yesterday and got it started up and what not. I bought 40 pounds of live sand and bought the salt and freshwater from there. Tank is all set up but I did have a question. I took the bio balls out and replaced them with a huge filter sponge. On top of the filter sponge I put a water polishing pad from fluval and on the side of the 12" fluval filter sponge I put a bag of carbon. My question now is… do I still have to use the stock filter cartridge it came with and lay it on top of the 2nd chamber? or could I use the stock filter cartridge with everything else I have in their or is that too much carbon in their? I did leave the black stock sponge at the bottom of chamber 2 and 3. Oh and lastly I want to buy live rock rubble and stick it in the 2nd chamber as well, right by the filter sponge and on top of the carbon bag.

Quick Update:

Went to my local fish store and bought 12 Pounds of Fiji Lr and 15 Pounds of Purple LR. Took me an hour to get the aquascape the way I like it (i'm super picky) and I thought I would like to share it with everyone else. I tried to do as many little ins and outs for whichever dwarf angel I get. What do you think?



New Member
I like your set up! I just set up my first salt tank a short while ago and is also a 29g. It's not a biocube though. And I don't know a huge amount about how or if at all the difference in filtering media. But the I do know that the rock will take care of the bio filtering. My filter is set up for mechanical. I have cartridges to catch debtris. I also know that to you can have too much carbon, and it needs changed semi frequently.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hotwingz http:///t/397579/journal-of-my-29-gallon-biocube#post_3545722
I like your set up! I just set up my first salt tank a short while ago and is also a 29g. It's not a biocube though. And I don't know a huge amount about how or if at all the difference in filtering media. But the I do know that the rock will take care of the bio filtering. My filter is set up for mechanical. I have cartridges to catch debtris. I also know that to you can have too much carbon, and it needs changed semi frequently.

Hi...Too much carbon????


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hotwingz http:///t/397579/journal-of-my-29-gallon-biocube#post_3545722
I like your set up! I just set up my first salt tank a short while ago and is also a 29g. It's not a biocube though. And I don't know a huge amount about how or if at all the difference in filtering media. But the I do know that the rock will take care of the bio filtering. My filter is set up for mechanical. I have cartridges to catch debtris. I also know that to you can have too much carbon, and it needs changed semi frequently.

Hi...Too much carbon????


New Member
Like is said I don't know 100% yet on how all filtering translates just yet. But I use no carbon in any of my FW aquariums! Most of the time it can cause more problems than it helps. It has a specific purpose. It's ment to remove meds, and other things that may have been added to the aquarium. If you read the label on most of your liquids for whatever their reason, they say remove the carbon. This is because it will remove them from the water. And if you read directions for the carbon it needs to be replaced quite often. The activated carbon has a short life, and then it turns into a place for things to collect, break down, and turn into nitrates. So carbon is an as needed media.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hotwingz http:///t/397579/journal-of-my-29-gallon-biocube#post_3545853
Like is said I don't know 100% yet on how all filtering translates just yet. But I use no carbon in any of my FW aquariums! Most of the time it can cause more problems than it helps. It has a specific purpose. It's ment to remove meds, and other things that may have been added to the aquarium. If you read the label on most of your liquids for whatever their reason, they say remove the carbon. This is because it will remove them from the water. And if you read directions for the carbon it needs to be replaced quite often. The activated carbon has a short life, and then it turns into a place for things to collect, break down, and turn into nitrates. So carbon is an as needed media.


Carban works just as you said...but using too much is not something I would say about it. I used carbon for my FW aquariums for 30+ years. I could never keep a planted tank looking good, the fish always either ate the plants or uprooted them, LOL...carbon was my friend.

In a saltwater coral reef, the carbon will stop the aggressive corals from sending toxins out to kill the surrounding corals. It also polishes the water to crystal clear, like all media it needs to be replaced once a month at least. Everything in the tank is geared to turn everything into nitrates be it freshwater or salt, it's the cycle that constantly goes on...our problem is that it takes too long for nitrates to break down into a harmless gas and disappear, so we help it along with water changes, or use macroalgae to feed on it and remove it from the system that way.


New Member
Well the toxins being removed that makes since. And we can have a whole different debate thread on carbon and it's proper use.
haha it seems like we are getting along just fine

Well the aquarium has been up and running for almost a month. Water is good to go so I have an UPDATE for everyone! Yesterday I added a Colt Coral and a Cleaner Shrimp. If everything goes well it will be time to add a fish or two next week!! Can't wait!

I might add more rock in the back. What do y'all think?


New Member
May I suggest to remove the sponge in the second chamber? Instead, you could put some live rock at the bottom, then some plant with light to make it refuge chamber.