Junk tank. Is it salvageable or garbage?


Ok so last year when I was first looking for a tank, my brother-in-law's friend gave me his 90 gallon show tank for free (he was desperate to get it out of the house). The tank itself is in sorry condition IMO. Although the class is thick (about 1 inch or so) its scratched up pretty much everywhere and there is come chipping going on at the corners and its pretty filthy all round.
Its been sitting in my back yard for a while now, and the time has finally come where I need to make the decision whether it goes or not.
So I ask you fellow reefers, can it be saved/refurbished or should I just call and have recycling guys come pick it up?
I'm leaning towards tossing it, but if it can be repaired cheaply I may just do that.
Here's a pic of it... and this is AFTER I tried scrubbing the scum off of it lol!


I've seen some tanks that need a little TLC but this poor thing looks like it's ready for retirement...especially if that's AFTER a good hard scrubbing.
As long as it holds water I guess it could technically be used for a QT or frag tank, etc. but its pretty big for that.
I am by no means an expert but if that were my tank after I already put some elbow grease into it...I'd give it a quick salute and send it on its way to the dump. If it's going to be your display tank, even if you got it clean, some of those scratches/cracks you mention sound dangerous to me.
Check out craigslist...if it's just a 90g tank you want you can usually find them for a steal on there.


Ha you should have seen it when I picked it up! It had 4 large freshwater fish of some sort swimming in water so green it looked like the wheat grass shot health nuts seem to love. I had to put the fish in a bucket and donate them to an LFS before I got the tank home...
It stunk so bad I had to drive with all the windows down and only by going fast on the freeway was the wind strong enough to blow away the smell.... My wife was dying whenever we got into a traffic jam or red light lol!


Yeah it was... but I thought it'll be worth it since it was free... but after soaking it in vinegar and scrubbing it all day I just up and said F it I'm buying a new tank lol.


I hear you...especially when you do things like that and then do the math on what your time costs. If it takes 20 hours to clean it up but could score one from Craigslist for 100-150 it may be the ticket.


Active Member
If it's got chips I'd be a little leary on the integrity....Any chance of getting pics of the chips in the glass.