

I realised just now that my tank that is cycleing has a bunch of junk on the top of the water, like dots... Is this salt, and I also see other junk.... Should I turn on my prizm skimmer, caus I heard you aren't supposed to until your tank is set up for 6 months.. Live rock is on the way in the mail so HELP is NEEDED QUICK!

sinner's girl

don't turn on the skimmer till the tank is cycled (or so i've always heard).
if it's salt it'll be dried on the sides and top of the tank (unless you put too much salt for the water to disolve). what's the salinity?
what are you cycling the tank with? I hope not fish.
have you been moving anything around in the tank?
if you scope the 'junk' out, does it come back?


The tank is not really cycleing- live rock is comming in the mail its more like things you can see reflected off the light


Active Member
Probably not salt. Salt will dry on things as Sinner's girl said but you won't usually see it in solution in the water. You may be seeing particle of your substrate. Sand or crushed coral. Once you add your live rock you're libel to see more "junk" floating. I wouldn't worry anything about it. Once you add you LR things will take their course. Watch your water readings as with LR the cycle can happen fast and you don't want to miss the transition. Once you start your skimmer you may see a reduction in surface "junk" but the Prizm isn't very good at skimming the surface so you'll probably always have some "stuff" on the water surface. I recommend pointing a power head at the surface to help dissapate the "scum" and help with oxygen levels.
Let us know how it progresses and Good Luck!