just a cute picture. IMO


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
thats a pretty cool pic.. How big do those things get?
I don't think it's supposed to get much bigger I have two and they are about an inch. Great little algae eaters, however I have had to rescue them from getting sucked into the filter area and one from the suction of the powerhead I added to my tank. I look for them every day several times a day. But they are pretty and peaceful, cover the live rock from crevice to crevice.


Originally Posted by spkdtch
i got one tuesday and it was awesome, then my hermit crabs cornered it and ate it =[
Sorry to hear that.
I don't have any hermits, the guy at the lfs said they eat more than they are worth. So my clean up crew is various small snails, 2 turbo's, one serpent star, one brittle star, two nudibranch, and one diamond goby. so far I have a few strings of hair algae here and there but they ususally don't last long.


Originally Posted by Flower
These always die on me. How long have you had yours?
so far only two weeks, I thought one was not going to make it from the start, he was lethargic, and had a dark color, not moving much. (they were shipped) now I can't tell them apart, I just make sure I count 2 every day or go on the hunt.
How long did yours live?

just a nano

I've had one in the tank now for about 3 months. My hermits don't bother it. Its not as large as it once was - I think due to less algae around to eat.
I also have had to remove him from the filter outlets a time or two.