Just a few fish questions :)


New Member
hi everyone :)
I have a 55 gallon tank and have about 30 pounds of rock in it right. I was just wondering what is a good amount to have in there?
also what is some good things to have in your clean up crew? My tank is only about 4 months old so its new and developing so i am trying to get rock and a clean up crew.
What size is your tank? what do you have in it? how much live rock? Equipment? just any information so that I can compare mine to yours.
Also I was in the pet store the other day and some person was talking about ick in their tank. What is that and how do you fix it? I know its the white spots on the fish but I dont understand what it is and how to fix it. I just want to know in case I ever have that problem.


ich is a parasite that lives in your fish, they burrow in and feed off your fish and may weaken them to the point of death. once they get all they need out of your fish they drop out in a little cyst and stick to stuff in your tank while they multiply themselves until the cyst bursts and emptys little free swimming ich (kinda like tadpoles or sperm) which go out and hunt for a fish to live in and complete the cycle.
To get rid of them you can put your fish in a seperate quarantine tank and do a copper treatment on them or a hyposalinty treatment (less salt, more freshwater) During this treatment time you should leave the display tank empty of fish so the ich cannot complete its cycle and will die off with out a host.
I think the rule of thumb I've always heard for rock is 1 lb per gallon, but there are alot of different types of live rock and some are more dense than others. You want the really porous ones with lots of surface area.
Get a good quality heater or two, good power heads, good test kits and a good maintenance/ water change schedule.


well, It took me 5 months to read it. Literally, i was reading the entire time.
good info there.


New Member
To get rid of them you can put your fish in a seperate quarantine tank and do a copper treatment on them or a hyposalinty treatment (less salt, more freshwater) During this treatment time you should leave the display tank empty of fish so the ich cannot complete its cycle and will die off with out a host. Tiffany jewelry ( bracelet,necklace,rings) review-Tiffany jewelry ShoesCapsxyz.com
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