Just a few Pics for everyone


I thought I would throw out a couple pics I took. Hope everyone enjoys.
The first one is my brain that has all of a sudden flourished. Truly beautiful coral. One under normal Haliedes and then under atintics.
The second is a nice shot I got of my cleaner shrimp being surrounded by my brittle star. I can't believe how big the star has gotten. Almost scarry!
The next ones are a few zoo pics I got. Some nice coloration for the tank.



After the zoos, my new little toadstool offshoots! Not one but 3 :jumping:

Now if I could only figure out how to transplant them to another rock. If anyone knows how please help!
I finally decided to try my hand at some SPS so here is a pic of my digitata I got for free when I ordered some zoos! Can't beat that.

Here are a few more zoo shots too.



The last ones are just a couple of additional shots I got. Hope everyone enjoys. I'm not the greatest with the camera but I'm trying.


Here are the last shots I got. I hope everyone enjoys. I'm not the greatest with the camera but I'm trying. Let me know what you think.



Just wait till they get a little bigger and cut them off with a clean razor blade and then rubber band them on a small piece of rock


dirtee147- Thanks for the input. How much longer do you think I should wait before I cut them? Again, thanks.


that brittle star looks huge
dougai- Yeah it is! Each leg is around 7-8in. The center is only around 2 1/2 in diameter but it is something to watch. I do have 2 in the tank, the other one is slightly different but about the same size. Thanks for the comments.

puffer32- Thanks for the comments.


Active Member
Wow, really cool pics, and awesome critters. I'm hoping to post more pics too now that my new lights are finally in...nothing fancy, but a far shot from what I was running.
Again, great shots!!
Lisa :happyfish