just a few pics


i didnt really think i would have time from the beginning to do a photo diary, but heres a few pics of my 12g nano cube. i am pretty happy with how it looks right now. i just added that big zoo rock with like 4 different colors yesterday, i'll probably post some more pics after it opens up more and i think im bringing home my royal gramma from work today!

sorry bout the reflection of my window in that one, i'll have to take some pics at night


the top right, in the back is pulsing xenia, and the green guys are green glove polyps, which i think are also a type of xenia but they have a more solid tube


OUTSTANDING!!! Your 12g looks better than my 40g. Very Nice!
Also what type of anemone is that in the back left corner?


thanks! thats a purple tip sebae anenome in the left corner, which is no longer in my tank, my friend needed somewhere to keep his fish and anenome for a few days while he moved his tank to his apartment. i took the anenome, and now its happily back in his 72 with metal halides.