Just a few questions....


1. How many snails do I need?
2. Do I need any crabs and if yes, what kind?
3. I have to coral banded shrimp, do I need any more for a more benficial tank?
Thats about all i can think of at the moment.
55 gallons with regular lighting.
25 pnds of base rock.
20 pnds of LR.
60 pnds of LS.
I am also looking for some lighting. I see that SWF does not sell them. I need some help with that also.


Active Member
if you are just starting you tank out. you really dont need any snails right off the bat. How long have you had your tank set up ?


Active Member
If you are seeing algae growth on the glasss or some diatoms in the sand/on the glass then you can add a couple of snails but there is no need to add more than two at a time. If they can not keep up the cleaning then you can always add more. A couple hermits wouldn't hurt. What type of fish do you have? Will they munch on snails and hermits?