Just a few questions....

vicious lsd

New Member
Hi I just fell upon this website searching on google. I just bought a 46 gallon bowfront for my freshwater fish. I have a new batch of baby guppies and thought it would be great to get rid of some tanks i had. Anyway, i have a 5 gallon bowfront and a 10 gallon glass tank. Not sure on which one i will be using as they have community fish in the 10 gal and aggressive fish in the 5 gallon. I really love how the colors on saltwater are so intense. I wanted to start getting into saltwater but I dont feel like going big just yet. I wanted to know if I could start off with the 5 or 10 gallon. I dont even know where to start as far as equipment or setting up. Is there any websites that tell you step by step what you need? I'm most definitly sure that if it works out great on the 5 or 10 gallon..... i will definitly toss the guppies and go saltwater all the way to the 46 gallon. I would like a nice setup of live rock, a few fish, and shrimps to start off. All info will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time and input!


Active Member
I'd use the ten gallon, it's where I started. I started with a standard ten gal + hood for it (nothing special, you may want to get somethign good though for corals, I had corals, but should have had better lights.) and a HOB (hang on back) filter. get about 10 lbs of live rock, and 1 or MAYBE two small fish (clowns?) and cleaner shrimp are awesome. also get lots of snails, like 10 or so. I wouldn't start corals (if you want them) until a few months in when everything is stable, someone else will come in and takl about letting it cycle. Cuz i don't feel like it.
if you have the money start with the larger one.
but if you start with the smaller ones be prepared to spend alot of time doing water changes and stuff like that.
i cant help you with a step by step process. go to your LFS (local fish store)
and ask them what you should do.
remember before you make any desicions be patient and do a ton of research
i am just a kid. i have no fish tank (YET) but i know alot about fish.
i have saved up 400 dollars and i am going to use it wisely. i have done tons and tons of research. buy one good book from the LFS near you that you have interest in. it should help you out alot. also take alot of time browsing the forums for anything that has to do with what you might be interested in.
have a nice night, ttyl
also with the smaller gallons there will be ALOT bigger chance of ur fish dieing.
this is because with a smaller fish tank the water paramaters will stay unstable most of the time (unless you're very very good.)
with the water parameters unstable constantly you wont be able to get as nice corals.
also if you're out of youre house for 3 or 4 hours and something goes wrong in ur tank by the time you get home all of ur hard work will be dead.


Active Member
Ok, don't get discouraged though, i kept 3 fish in a 10g for 6 months will no problems, only did a water change once a month and all levels were great, had corals too.
NyGel:"I'd use the ten gallon, it's where I started"
please ,please dont start something if you dont want to. just because someone may have started with it.
also another benefit with starting with the larger gallon tank is a thing called breeding. if you want to have a pair of clownfish "mate" than you will need a smaller tank. if the clownfish have babys than you have to move tham out of the main tank into a SMALLER tank. this will allow them not to get eaten by the fish in the main tank.

vicious lsd

New Member
Not looking to getting into corals. I was just thinking of starting off the live rock first, then maybe add a fish or two and a shrimp. If I go for the 10gal how much am I going to be spending for all the equipment? Also what kind of lighting is needed? How did you guys start off with your tanks? Just research?
i started off with just research.
you also have to think what will save you money -wise in the long run?
haveing a very nice 75 gallon tank first for 1500$=1500$
or having a die-alot nano tank for 1000$ and then a 75 gal. tank ,later for 1500$=both equal 2500$


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
by the way nigel not to be mean or anything most fish have a long -term life of at least 3 years.
ok, ive only had tanks for like a little while. had them in ten gal for 6 months, then had them in 29g since august..... but yeah....
i started with research. And a relative who has had experience for years. I started otu small due to money issues, but yeah, if you can go bigger.... but if money is a problem do it with a small tank, you'll get crap for it (obviously) but its all a learning experience.


Active Member
I bought a 30 gallon rated HOB filter, and then a hoob with power compact lights in it since you don't want corals. depending on where you live you may need a heater or chiller for the tank. But thats the only equipment I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe a tiny nano skimmer.... but they arent really necessery