Just a few ?'s


I have been into saltwater fish for some time now, and the tank is growing new stuff all the time! I sometimes can figure it out but I dont have a clue what some of the stuff is...
...so will you guys help me figure out what this is or maybe its in your tank and you know what it is...also, is it bad or good to have in the tank?
#1) These little worm like things with a little tiny orange "head"

these little guys are EVERYWHERE in my tank, some different than others but...same type of thing.
#2) There is some "spider web" looking string on and around my little corals....

Sorry for the bad picture, but it flows with the current and im not sure what it even is, if anything.
#3) This might be the funniest thing you have heard...but my tank seems to have alot of growth on the glass, I cant really clean it off cause its like sand paper, but my question is...Do I want to keep it growing or take something and clean it all off?

Again sorry for the bad picture...and for the silly questions...
thanks for your time!
p.s. I also posted this in the "question" fourm.

40 galons

aww man those are flatworms! there are ok types and then there are bad types . i heat they reproduse so fast as to choke out youre corals and just look plain bad in the tank. (flatworm exit) is pretty popular to get rid of them with its own risks. good luck with it!


Flatworms!!!! :scared: no good little buggers!!! They can be a pain to get em out but it can be done (expierence lol) You need a product called flatworm exit. Follow the directions carefully and IMO buy 2 packages and hopefor the best you may need more depending how many you got. Its always alot more than you see!


is there anything that eats them?
I dont really know if I like using chemicals in my tank...im sure its perfectly safe...but...
maybe its just me?