just a nice shot


is that a coral?? i don't know my inverts because i don't have a tank yet but very soon i will. nice fish and what size is your tank and what type of filter do u have a hang on or under tank
I have a 120rr aga with a 30gal sump with macros, sand and 7 mangroves. 200lb libe rock 100lb sand in main tank. lit by 2 400wt mh and 4 110vho.
yes it is some form of acro but not sure which and the fish is a citron clown gobie.... the shot was taken with a sony dsc707 under actinics with a flash ( I still dont understand the camera well but it works)


A staghorn possibly, anywho if it is they grow pretty fast and are very col to watch grow. :)


Active Member
Nice pics both of you.
I never heard of nor seen a citron clown gobie. Got any info to share about it? Gonna do a search, but 1st hand knowledge is nice also. I couldnt stop scrolling back up to look at it over and over again! :D Thanks.
Well Clarkii they are pretty fish and tend to take up residence in a coral or 2. they can be polyp nippers but so far I havent seen it. the only negative so far is they have killed a branch in my green slimer from where they like to hang out. a good person to ask would be Gary Majchrzak on reef central in http://reefcentral.com/vbulletin/for...s=&forumid=117
thats our local groups forum. he has several pairs of different clown gobies