Just a pic of my dog...



Originally Posted by Adam747
Oh, the poor puppy!! I feel so bad when they get dressed up like that. My dog wouldnt keep anything like that on for a second anyway!!
What you can't see is about 10 hands that were just removed for the picture. If i had taken a pic a second after that, you would've see her shake the stuff of, and get up, look at me like i just tried to kill her, and walk away mad at me... lmao.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Here's some of my dogs...

Oh you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brave!!
I love dogs but I am never getting a big dog again, ok let me not lie......
I love my puppy (Rott/Lab mix) but both of these breeds have issues with hip displasia and of course my poor pup has been hit with it. So (she has meds) she has to live with the aches and pains that I would never wish upon her.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
What you can't see is about 10 hands that were just removed for the picture. If i had taken a pic a second after that, you would've see her shake the stuff of, and get up, look at me like i just tried to kill her, and walk away mad at me... lmao.
Oh, lol...thats funny!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
That's hilarious!!!!! Oh man, if these dogs ever seek revenge for all of Caeden's "lovin", we are in big trouble. His favorite activity is grab the goldens tale and pull or grab the shelties neck and "love" her. I wish I had gotten a pic the other night though, Caeden wasn't feeling good and having a hard time going to sleep. All of a sudden, he lays down on the dogs and pretty soon he is out like a light. HOw old are your kids?
and 3


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
my data base shows that you had you first kid when you were 20

21 to be exact


Cute retriever. I had a THE GREATEST Retriever when growing up, but someone poisoned him. Grr.......hmmmmm.......anyhow, cute dog....r u single? lol. :notsure:


lmao... i had another golden, before this one, but she died of old age... you know, barking at nothing, falling into the pool, and not being able to get out, so she would just lay on the stairs in the pool, walking into trees... so sad...
Someone shot her in the butt with a beebee gun, which caused a tumor to grow... it was the size of a football before they removed it... i loved that dog!!! and i swear this one is the reincarnated ginger...lol she's exactly the same, she even looks the same.
Did you know that golden retreivers are the only dogs with bellybuttons? hehehe it's so cute
and sorry, but i'm married...


New Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
i need to learn how to get pics on here!!
I'll teach you how later today.
How to post pics that is.


New Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
lmao... i had another golden, before this one, but she died of old age... you know, barking at nothing, falling into the pool, and not being able to get out, so she would just lay on the stairs in the pool, walking into trees... so sad...
Someone shot her in the butt with a beebee gun, which caused a tumor to grow... it was the size of a football before they removed it... i loved that dog!!! and i swear this one is the reincarnated ginger...lol she's exactly the same, she even looks the same.
Did you know that golden retreivers are the only dogs with bellybuttons? hehehe it's so cute
and sorry, but i'm married...

I will never keep another dog.


Originally Posted by keleighr
Oh you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brave!!
I love dogs but I am never getting a big dog again, ok let me not lie......
I love my puppy (Rott/Lab mix) but both of these breeds have issues with hip displasia and of course my poor pup has been hit with it. So (she has meds) she has to live with the aches and pains that I would never wish upon her.
You're 100% right... at least regarding my st. bernard. He has hip displasia. He has also had many health problems totalling approx. $10,000 in vet bills in the 5 years of his life.
On the other hand, though, he is the smartest, sweetest dog I've ever had.

In contrast, my mastiff has never had any health problems, but her aggression is a problem. :scared:
How old is your puppy? My st. bernard's hips have been pretty stable but he does take rymadil (spelling) pretty regularly for pain.


yes, both of my sisters are single, but my middle sister is a fat whore, and my younger sister is still in high school...