Just a pic


i think he is my favorite critter he moves around slow and steady and he loves to chop up any vegtation and add to his "Decor" he had some aluminum foil on him for a while till he molted and i got it out of the tank. I used to tell people it was "BLING"


OMG, thats a crab! I wondered what the hell that was. It looked like really crappy decoration of some sort, lol.


awesome! Its a decorator crab. They pick thing up from theyre environment and place it on theyre bodies to provide camouflage. 1st time Ive ever seen one in a aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ComputrGk
sorry bout that here are the rest
Computrek, thanks for sharing. Thats one awesome decorator crab. Always wanted one.


funny enough i hadn't been able to get ahold of one and now my LFS gets them all the time and on wednesdays they have half price saltwater livestock sale to clear tanks so i picked him up for like 8 bucks
plus they're live rock while not the greatest is only 3 bucks a pound woo hoo love that makes good live baserock
thanks for the comments it took awhile before i could photograph him as he stays under the rocks most of the time but lately i have been feeding every other day so as soon as the food comes out he is out eating and everything is eaten withing a minute plus everything looks healthier now. How often do all of you feed??


What the....

I was gonna say you have some nice growth on your live rock. Is he peaceful with the other inhabitants? How big is he? He must be amusing to watch. :joy:


very peacful he is kinda a scardy cat he runs from my reg hermit
he is probably about 3-4 inches across
and if you have every watched one of those veiled camilions how the move there foot about three or four times back and forth before actually moving to that spot thats kindahow he walks around it's fun to watch him when i got him he looked like a teddy bear crab all fuzzy and brown then about 1-2 weeks after being added he molted and turned all skimpy till his hairs grew back in I would suggest to anyone who can get one to get one.. Although i do not know how they are with corals i do know the other one at the LFS has some polyps and shrooms on him. so apparently he will cut them and attach them to him.


Here's my decorator. We just got him a week ago. He has what I think are sponges growing on him. However, we have a FOWLR, so not a lot of color. He's already putting white rocks and shells on him from the sand. I imagine he'll end up entirely white to blend in. He hides all day, so I haven't gotten a new pic with the white on it yet.
ComputerGk, your crab looks very cool on the rock! Nice pics!!



Active Member
decorator crabs are so cool. i saw a special on animal planet or discovery or something, but they put one in a tank with all different color pieces of felt and in about an hour the crab picked up all the felt and covered itself in it. the crab was all pastel colored, it was really cool.