just a question!!


Ok I have a question, and I hope this is the correct thing to do. I am wanting a saltwater tank for a few months and glad I have waited. I have learned that I need to research and make sure things are well planned. I have a few ideas of what I am wanting just need some help on what things can go with what.
My plan is to have two tanks, one a reef and the other a FOWLR. I want at least a 125 to 200 gal reef and then I am not for sure about the FOWL. I guess it all depends on what goes in it.
I am wanting a eel for sure, just what type to get. I have thought about getting a Fimbriated Eel but need to research it a little more. I would also like to have a puffer and a Lion.
As far as the reef tank goes I would like a couple of clowns, blennies,gobies, foxface, Vlamingi Tang .
These are just ideas to what I would like to have. I love colorful fish with personality. I would even like to hvae some schooling fish and would even give up a few of the others if there was a really neat schooling fish. I also would love to have some corals and other things like that. I love some of the crabs, shrimp, clams, and snails.
Now it will be a few more months til I get my tanks, like I said I want to pick what will be going in each tank and start to research each fish a lot to know what I am doing when the time comes. I have a 30 gal right now but will be buying a house in a few months so I do not want to set it up at the moment. That will be either a sump or something.
Thanks for all the help and ideas.

aztec reef

Active Member
sounds good , just get the biggest tanks that you can afford and take care of. The eel & lion are consider aggressive so yeah a different tank for those. Keep doing research and any questions you have ASk. Preferably one at a time so that you can get a better response


Here are my thoughts.
If money is not going to be a major concern I would look into only doing one of the tanks first. Unless you are going to have someone help you with maintenance. This way you get a feel for how things go and you will know more when it is time to set the second tank up. With the eel and lionfish being aggressive you would need to have them in your FOWLR tank. I think you really will want to decide if you want the corals first or not. That will determine which tank you put together first. I think a FOWLR tank would be easier to set up. You wont need as much LR and you can do some crazy things with the aquascaping.
I am starting to look into getting a house myself so I can get a larger tank. My landlord pretty much stopped me at 60g. Ideally I would like to build a house around my fish tank. /DROOL