just a quick question


ok so i just bought myself an all glass 90 gallon aquarium!!! 48X18X24 and i bought a stand for it, now the stand does not have a top its a base, with 4 walls, and the tank basically sits on the walls, now should i have a piece of plywood go under the glass so the weight is equal, or will the bottom of the glass shatter from all the pressure???
just as a little reference
kinda like that


Active Member
Shouldnt need to modify the stand with plywood. Is the stand meant for your tank? If so, no additions needed.


dont worry about 99% of all stands are made this way. my stand for the 100 gallon tank I can pick up with 2 fingers literally!!! but the are designed to hold the weight of the tank.


ok. yeah the stand is for 90 gallon aquariums, im not so much worried that the stand wont handle, im more worried that the glass will not handle. because that bottom piece of glass has hundreds of pounds ontop of it. so my only worry is that it will shatter


even if you put plywood over it one you will void any warranty on the tank but second the glass still wouldnt be on the plywood because of the rim of the tank, they are made for the rim to be the main support and thats the reason there is on open hole under it.


ok, well since that is out of the way, i have a few more quick questions,
1. Ok so im going from a 45 to a 90, so i am going to put my many pounds of live rock, and live sand, along with 45 gallons of saltwater into the 90, and then i will be putting an additional 45 gallons of newly mixed saltwater to the tank, any clue on whether or not this will cause a cycle?
2. and as far as a stock list, i love the percula clowns, but also love the black perculas, am i able to put 2 pairs in my 90.
3. and also, as far as fish, how many am i able to use in a 90????


1. It would be like a 50% water change so you may be ok.
2. Sorry
3. It all depends on the type of fish and other stuff(rocks inverts, ect.) you really should add things one by one utill you hit a nice balance. Be patient and monitor


just a question about the clowns, is it a territorial issue? because i cant see 4 clowns having a huge bioload, and as far as clownfish go, in my 55 i had 2 perculas and a marroon live together for about 6 months, i guess its just luck


if i have an orange percula, and a black percula, is there any chance of them one day breeding, because they are the same species of clown, just the coloration is different???