Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
Since the inception of seatbelt laws Car insurance premiums have not increased as much as they were. With higher speed limits came more grievous injuries and deaths that insurance companies were having to fork out for. This drastically increased everyone's premiums a while back. Now, the survival rate is higher and the injury ratio is reduced...thus keeping EVERYONE'S cost down.
I used to think like you. It is my business if I want to fly out my windshield if I get in an accident. but as I have gotten older, I have realized I was paying a higher premium cuz some lazy ass wouldn't put on their seatbelt and cost my insurance company 50 grand in medical bills....
They only problem I have with the laws is I have to wear one in my car, but if I ride a city bus, I don't have to. I can even stand up the whole ride...that is crap.
I don't mean to apply that seatbelts are dumb, or even educational videos such this one. I just don't agree with the levels of enforcement they are doing for seatbelts. Doing some quick googling, I found that most states estimate seatbelt usage to be around 80%. I just think you're ever get the rest of the people who don't wear seatbelts. It also would be reasonable to argue that places with those high speed limits, highways/interstates, have one of the lowest percentage of seatbelt tickets, as it's virtually impossible for officers to tell if people are wearing belts at those speeds. I would venture to guess most seatbelt tickets comes from urban/city traffic, where speeds are low, and seatbelt usage, isn't as important.
There are other things, headlights like I mentioned, people driving on flat and underinflated tires, etc, which are far bigger threats, and becoming more and more common it seems.