just a sebae question


New Member
I have a true percula whose host is a purple tip sebae. all is fine and happy now but i have noticed that the white tenacles do look like they are turning a slight brown. all my test read perfect and the protien skimmer and filter are doing fine. nothing seems wrong except the color is a bit off. i was just wondering if something bad might be happening or is it normal.....thanks all and heres a pic....

nm reef

Active Member
Actually the white can be a sign that your anomone is under nourished or in need of light.....its lost its algae that provides the color....bleached.
With the color returning its an indication that it is regaining its health.:cool:


Active Member
What NM reef said is very true.
I bought a Sebae anemone back in early January this year.
Below is a photo from January 23, 2002.
You can clearly see the bleached appearance.
This is how it looked at the store - and how most look when you see them for sale.
Tank: 75 gallon
The next couple pics show how it's turning a tannish color as it's zooxanthellea slowly begin to reappear.
First pic is January 23, 2002 - under just 260 watts of actinic and daylight PC lighting.
Second pic is August 4, 2003 - same lighting and just a small amount of color change and zooxanthellea. Still not looking much different.
Third pic is October 16, 2002 - one month after adding my new lighting components - 500 watt MH & 440 watt VHO ( not running all together but on timers )
You can really see the zooxanthellea coming back. The color is much darker, more natural, and how they naturally appear in the sea.
I hope the new more intense lighting will give this anemone a much better chance of living a long time in my tank, but from what I've read and heard, anemonies historically do not have a good survival rate in captivity.