Just Added Please Help!!!!!


I Just Put 2 More Damsels In My Tank And One Is Crazy Stressed. Its All Discolored And Wont Come Out From Behind The Powerhead What Can I Do???????/


Active Member
Originally Posted by new-guy
I Just Put 2 More Damsels In My Tank And One Is Crazy Stressed. Its All Discolored And Wont Come Out From Behind The Powerhead What Can I Do???????/
2 'more' damsels? Do you have others, already? It's very likely that the established one(s) will harrass the additions, possibly to the point of extreme stress and death.


Yeah I Had 2 In There Before But Only One Is Messing With Them. The 3 Striped One Is Messing With The Electric Blue And The Domino One.... By The Way I Like The Mx 28 Call Sign I Use To Ride To


Active Member
Originally Posted by new-guy
Yeah I Had 2 In There Before But Only One Is Messing With Them. The 3 Striped One Is Messing With The Electric Blue And The Domino One.... By The Way I Like The Mx 28 Call Sign I Use To Ride To
Yeah, the majority of damsels have temperments that range from aggressive to totally aggressive. They can be brutal - often to other fish, but almost always amongst themselves. You can try to seperate the bullies or the 'victim' by moving fish to a sump, seperating the tank with egg-crate, etc. They really can beat/subdue other fish to the point of death.
An MX'er, huh? Cool! I used to ride, too - LOL. I'm just comming back from a number of broken bones and the subsequent lack of ambition, but it really is a great sport. I'm getting ready to listen to the Anahiem 2 supercross right now.


I Havnt Ridden For A Year Or So.. So I Know How You Feel Last Time I Was On My Bike I Broke My Collor Bone. I Was Into My Xr50 Alot I Think I Have About 7 Or 8000 Dollars In It Waiting For My Daughter To Get Old Enought So I Can Try To Get Her On One Thanks For The Reply I Might Try The Eggcrate Thing Good Idea Thanks Again


get rid of the striped damsel right know if you want anything else in your tank they are bad news.