Just added Queen Trigger to tank


New Member
I just added my new 2" queen trigger to my tank, and it is swimming around fine when the tank lights are off, but when I turn the tank lights on, he hides in the live rock.
Would it be best to leave the tank lights off for the day until he gets used to the tank, or leave them on and let him get used to it that way?


New Member
I acutally left them for about 15-20 mins, and now he is out of the live rock and swimming around.
He looks kind of dark, is that normal when you move them in a new tank?
I also have a couple of clown fish, and a yellow tail damsel in there with him. I'm hoping to keep those fish in there with him until he gets moved to a 90 gallon. He has yet to mess with them, but he has been biting pieces off the live rock


Active Member
Not only do they grow quickly and get to be 20"+ but after it reaches 5" - 6", you're gonna quickly risk having a species only tank.
The best tank mates for Queens are sand and rock.


Active Member
And they might even mess with the rock....
A 90 gallon is a temporary holding tank for a queen trigger, IMO.


Originally Posted by AW2x3
The best tank mates for Queens are sand and rock.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
I heard of some chewing on acrylic tanks and eating wires, heaters, powerheads.
Ive heard a lot of that too.