Just an Introduction


New Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. Im a newbie I guess you could say. I had a 90gal. reef before hurricane katrina destroyed it, but planning on buying another eventually. I've been reading a lot of threads and learning a lot. Cant wait to get back in the fish world.


Active Member
Hey Kel, and welcome to the Saltwaterfish.com message boards!
I am very sorry to hear about your tank, but I am sure you will have a beautiful tank again when you start the process over.
You are at the right place! Feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will all try to help you.

dr. evil

welcome to the boards fishykel im from La. too. and yes you've come to the right place dont be afraid to ask questions even if you think its the dumbest question ever just ask. so are you going reef or fish only?


Active Member
Hi fishykel,
There are alot of very helpful and knowledgablepeople on this board. They will be a tremendouse help.They have been for me so far!


New Member
Wow, thanks for all the replys. Im planning on doing a reef again. Im waiting on finishing rebuilding my home. Almost there. Im sure I will have tons of questions in the future.


Originally Posted by fishykel
Just wanted to introduce myself. Im a newbie I guess you could say. I had a 90gal. reef before hurricane katrina destroyed it, but planning on buying another eventually. I've been reading a lot of threads and learning a lot. Cant wait to get back in the fish world.
hey kelly