Just another ID, please...

Hi everyone! I was given this coral beauty a few months back because it was on it's last leg. I was hoping it would get better, but it just ended up hermit food. When I got it, it had tiny, little red bubbles on the outside of it. Thought it might be bubble algae, and I just left it. Well, over the past few months, it's GROWN! Now I'm not sure what it is. The first pic is when it was about two months old.
Interesting...I've seen kelp at the beach, and yeah, it is a little kelpy...Does kelp grow in an aquarium? Anyone have anything like this? :confused:
I searched "botryocladia", and it looks like some of the results. But I'm confused, is that the same as red bubble algae? It doesn't spread like some of them seem to be. It's happy on it's little rock. I've dropped rock on it before (on accident) and it smashed a few pieces, but it hasn't spread. Whatever it is, it's adds a nice color---I think I'll keep it!:)


i've just noticed something in my tank that looks just like this but it was green? is it good or bad? any experts...