Originally Posted by triggerfre
I have one now.She is about 4 inches right now and just starting to get her colors and her character going.I got her about 4 months ago and she was only 1.5 inches.Man thew grow fast.Right now i have her in a 55 with 7 other fish and 6 are other triggers.She has no aggression what so ever, unless you are a crab.Which she loves to eat.I just got my new 210 gallon set up in the house last weekend, which is where her and the other triggers will go.Hope you enjoy your new queen trigger, i would not trade mine for anything.
Triggerfre - I dont want to be the trigger police, but your queen trigger will outgrow your 210 as well (if there are other fish in it). This is the only fish that I have ever seen that will require a 200+ tank by themselves.
Your tank with 13 fish will be overstocked in a 210 and there will be issues between your fish, especially when the queen wants her space.
A LFS had one in a custom 300 and it tore everey fish in there apart. They ended up giving the fish to a local zoo.
Good luck