Just Bought a Blue Clam


WHAT IS THE BEST PLAVE TO PUT THE CLAM AND WHAT WOULD IT EAT? Can i hand fees it or do i put plankton in the water?


not sure what type all i know its blue arround 2inches i have 2medal halides 4 actinics and 4 moon coral life lighting


Active Member
dont u do research b4 buying the clam? the clam shouldnt be lying sideway. it looks like a crocea. u can leave it on the sandbed and slowy move it up the rockwork. just keep calcium and alk in check.


Active Member
If you use a magnet scraper to clean your glass that should suffice in feeding your clam, although a weekly addition of a few caps of phyto to your tank wouldn't hurt either. If you over feed a clam you can clog its gills? that it uses to siphon particles out of the water.
You want the colored side facing up towards the light where the zooxanthellae living in the tissue of the clam can use photosynthesis to help feed it. Lighting is the key issue with clams, I have about a 2 inch maxima I've had for over a year with NO feedings and is doing great --- under 250watt metal halides. I also have a nice crocea and about a 5 inch deresa. Also be sure your calcium levels are up 400 - 450 and an alk of 7 - 12.
I know this is after the fact but a little research goes a long ways before making a purchse :)