Just bought a leather frag, couple questions


It's a very small frag, probably about a cubic inch or smaller. It looks nothing like any of the 'bigger' leathers I've ever seen. It almost looks like a mushroom (a ground mushroom) with arms like a Xenia and small balls at the end of the arms.
1) What kind of leather could this be?
2) Lighting, low or medium? I've heard both, but no convincing arguments.
3) Current, low to medium right?
Anyone want to share some other insights please feel free to.


Sounds like it could be a toadstool or crown leather. They are very hardy and probably would do best with medium light and current. HTH


Active Member
I agree with the above post, kind of sounds like a toadstool to me also.
I have a pick of a big one at my web site. Check it out and see if it looks similar.


Yes, it looks more like a toadstool than a leather. Although the 'top' of the coral isn't flat like the toadstool. It's more spherical.


Mine changes from flat to classic mushroom shape to wavy to completely closed depending on its mood.


Active Member
I bought a small toad stool and it was rounded until it grew some. I got it from garf about a year ago.
It didn't grow alot until I put it under my 2 96w pc's.
I also have in medium current.


Active Member
yea sounds like a little toasdstool leather to me. Very hardy little guys, that do well in med. light and med. current. mine is gorgeous, i got it from ipsf and it came aabout the size of button on an inch stalk. well hes now about 4 inches tall, and the crown about 2 inches wide, with the long feathery autozooids sticking up about two inches from the crown! very cool little guys!
good luck