Just Bought my MH's (Hamilton)


Active Member
Originally Posted by matty0h_52
looks clean...a great idea for anyone who is worying about an eye soar of hanging pendants. How much light do you think is being wasted in the room because its not enclosed in a hood.
I'm sure quite a bit. Every little bit of light saved and directed INTO the tank helps :D


You have to be VERY careful with hoods and mh systems. If the hood does not have a ton of moving air coming in and going out you will most likely need to run a water chiller.


Active Member
Very nice lights,
i also have a hamilton system on my tank...there worth every penny.
i run 2, 400 watt mh's and 4 power compacts...all 20k...you should try it...has a great look to it


Is the light that "leaks" out around the top of the tank dangerous to human eyes? Does it fade anything in the room (carpet, paint, etc...). I heard that it was bad for your eyes.


Active Member
its not to blue, its more white...i really like it myself.... and no it will not hurt your eyes unless you look right at the light bulb, as with any light...and no it will not fade your carpet...lol


Active Member
Hey guys,
I don't like the 10K's a lot. It's too yellowish when on by itself and even w/ my 330W of actinic VHO's it's not as blue as I want.
Also there's a lot of algae buildup on my LR and LS after the MH installation. Is this normal. Looks nasty


Active Member
no, i dont have any problems like that, i mean my acrylic gets brown blotchs ... but a quick wipe ..and wam... my tank looks b.e.auuutiful again.


I don't mean to high jack the thread, but it was mentioned that if the light shines on the middle beam of the tank, it'll melt and pop the tank.
Is this true?
I'm looking to buy the coralife set up for my 125 and theres a mh bulb in the middle of that and I have the middle beam in my 125.