Just bought my son his first car


Active Member
you know we bought my son the car and he didn't or couldn't pay so we sold it like i said, but the kicker is he got his temps the day he turned 15 1/2 but he has never gotten his licsense and really has no interest in getting them at this point, he will be 17 in july, i don't want to force or press to hard incase he gets them and heaven forbid something happens, so for now i have no problems trucking him around....but that will change when he gets a girl friend i'm sure it.....it will all change.


Active Member

Originally posted by Liontamer
I wish all parents would just go ahead and buy their children everything for them. Then theyd never learn anything about indepence.

My father bought me a used Mustang for my first car. It taught me more
about independence, saving, and responsibility than bumming a ride with friends ever would.


Sorry dude...im in the market for a new car and parents are making me buy everything...i have a job and am struggling to make ends meet. Im just heated wen it comes to subjects of parents buying kids cars. Forgive me


Active Member

Originally posted by Liontamer
Sorry dude...im in the market for a new car and parents are making me buy everything...i have a job and am struggling to make ends meet. Im just heated wen it comes to subjects of parents buying kids cars. Forgive me

Done. Just read the post next time before you reply. :yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by fishkiller
yeah, fords will do that to you....:rolleyes: sorry... had to..

Never had a single problem with the Mustang for the 7 years I owned it, never had a single problem with any of my Sport Tracs I've ever owned as my second vehicle (can't tailgate out of my sports cars). And honestly can't say that about the expensive foreign cars I've owned/driven.
Doesn't matter how much money I make in my life or what car I acquire, a certain red and black 1969 Mach 1 will always be in my garage and my heart. Unlike some people, it's not about the price tag or the prestige with me. Save the exotic, give me my '69 Ford.

michelle l

Well, MorayM, I have to say that while I'm not a Ford person AT ALL, I'd jump on the chance to own a 1969 Mach 1. They are truly fine cars!

TangMan99, that's a nice car that you helped your son buy. Many kids need a boost when they are a teen to get their dream car. When I was 17, my Dad co-signed for me to buy my 1976 Formula Firebird, and even though it is gone now, it forever lives on in my heart. It was the beginning of a line of many Firebird/Trans Ams that I have owned over the years. I now own a 1996 WS6 with less than 30,000 miles, and it will always be with me, no matter what. I have been through a couple of job losses, and a few desperate times because of it, but I swear that I'll live in that car before I sell it. I know you've had a WS6 and Firebirds too, so I wanted to mention that.
So, who knows? Maybe this car you helped your son get will lead to a passion for a certain car. At the very least, he will one day fondly remember how you helped him out as a kid, like I remember my Dad doing for me. :)


Active Member
Thanks Michelle. It's nice to see another Trans Am fan. Like I mentioned, I had a 73 Firebird, a 1980 Trans Am and a 1997 WS6 Trans Am. The WS6 was my favorite. I know exactly why you love your as much as you do. I have a Corvette now, but I miss the Trans Am sometime. It's a shame they quit making them. I wonder if they are going to bring them back again?

michelle l

There have been many times that I have fought the urge to trade the WS6 for a 'Vette. They are really super fine, fast cars too. What do you think of the new revisions? A lot of the hard-core Vette people dislike the change in making the headlights not the traditional flip-up type, but I like it. I'm sure GM did that to lower warranty costs though, not so much to change the traditional look. For the money, the Vettes give a lot of bang for the buck. They look very exotic and rival some of the fastest production cars on the road with minimal alterations to the engine.
Sure, I think that GM will bring back the Firebird and Camaro. Only trouble is, they will probably go the way of the Malibu, Nova, and Impala and be a 4-cylinder four door!! :rolleyes: At least they kept the GTO a fast car, although it isn't much to look at anymore. Kind of like a hyped up Cavalier.


Active Member
I love the look of the new Corvettes, but I won't touch one until they have been out a few years. Too many bugs to work out. The lights were changed to make it more appealing to the foreign market along with the front clip that was specially designed to hold a foreign license plate and to bring it up to the 21st century. I like the flip up lights, but they are a mechanical nightmare and several hundred bucks to fix when they break. It was a good change IMHO.