just checkin in


Active Member
well i woke up,that's a good sign i'm in a lot of pain have been the last few days and sleeping a lot been depressed but i'm sure jenny filled you all in on everything thanks everyone just for caring about us it makes us feel good we want you to know that and when i get back a little more regular i'll need a liberal to feed on, tomorrow is the start of the next chemo treatments yeah, 2 days at a time this go around i just wanted you all to know i think about you guys all the time just haven't had the typing in me talk at you all soon...tobin


Active Member
we've been well, but glad to hear you're semi decently ok.
btw, being sick doesn't excuse run on sentences :p


I'm pulling for you man....kick this thing in the 'nads.
I'm not posting much, but I am keeping up with what's been going on with you. Wanted to let you know...hope jenny is well.


Hey Tobin! Good to hear from ya! You've got love and support all around you from the wonderful people on this board. Keep kickin' butt, man!


Active Member
Why are you depressed?
Tobin, you can beat this man. Take drugs for the pain, get plenty of sleep, know that many are praying for you, and continue to treat Jenny well.
Don't let it start to beat you down.


Glad to see you made it here today
I really hope you get through this as fast as possible bud. Take it easy and say Hi to the better half


Active Member
hey at least the chicken is kicken, man!
you may be down but your not out, dont give up.
quitting if for quitters.
I'm still holding out for ya!


Active Member
feeling a bit better today i think the other day i was pretty close to dead i felt spooky all day long that is why i was depressed i think well i go to start my 3rd round of chemo today so jenny will keep you all filled in for me god bless everyone...tobin


Active Member
Just keep your head up....One of my best friends was cleared of cancer...Went back to have one of the ports taken out and they informed him that he had developed Bone-Marrow cancer....He had to stay in a clean room for about 8 months after the transfusion....Now he is partying with every weekend....
It can be done...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Just keep your head up....One of my best friends was cleared of cancer...Went back to have one of the ports taken out and they informed him that he had developed Bone-Marrow cancer....He had to stay in a clean room for about 8 months after the transfusion....Now he is partying with every weekend....
It can be done...
thanks man i'm trying to fight with what i got left...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
thanks man i'm trying to fight with what i got left...tobin
"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them...."
That's what ya got left Bro. You can beat this.


Active Member
well just got back from the first part, tomorrow i go back for the 2nd part still feeling descent again so the fight is back on again well thanks everyone you are all awesome people that i am proud to call friends...tobin