Just checking...


New Member
After reading many posts, I thought I'd get some expert opinions on my tank to be on the safe side. I have a 29 gal, 30# live sand, 40# live rock, stocked w/2 seahorses, a small (juv) saddleback clown, and 6 blue legged hermits. I thought about adding a yellow watchman and calling it a day. I use a Bak Pak 2 bio/ skimmer and 55W cf for lighting. My seahorses eat well (ghost shrimp which, strangely enough the clown does not eat & frozen mysis, which he does). I have no more stock plans other than the goby. Is this okay or am I asking for trouble? I'd appreciate your input.


I've been dying to get a seahorse but my lfs won't sell me one because he says they need to be only amongst other seahorses as fish will eat their food and they will eventually starve..you are lucky your current fish shares because the seahorse can't swim after food as competitivley as other fish..but this is just the advice I have gotten..Good luck.


New Member
I've had my seahorses for 4 months now and my girl especially is very friendly (except she keeps rebuffing my male's advances; thinking about one day adding another female since they don't live more than a few yrs.) and my clown stays mainly at the middle and top of the tank. They tend to hang where he hangs when they're not foraging for food, so I guess they are pretty cool with him. Except for occasional brine shrimp he doesn't really go after their food at all. :cool: