Just combined tanks, and finally some good news


I have 2 90g and I combined them just a few days ago because my Mom wants one of them to have Oranda Goldfish (for those of you who don't know, they are the ones that get as bigger and fatter than baseballs and are really bright). That is my parents tank anyway, so we are putting the fish into mine. Both lacked inhabitants for one reason or another.
My tank now has:
Dogface puffer <====my favorite fish, he is awsome
Niger trigger <====reason why I have had a lack of inhabitants
Maroon clown<=====bought him 12 years ago!!!!!

Up until today, my trigger has being doing his normal bullying (he pushes and does tight circles around other fish and pecks them) to establish his dominance, even in a tank that he wasn't there first.
My puffer apparently went into depression and sat under a rock for 3 day b/c every time he came out, he would get pushed around. He finally came out today and the trigger isn't going as hard at him anymore.
Is it normal for a Niger to be this aggressive (he bites me all of the time and is now able to drawn blood from my hand while I work in his tank)? Aren't they supposed to be docile for a trigger?


Is it normal for a Niger to be this aggressive (he bites me all of the time and is now able to drawn blood from my hand while I work in his tank)? Aren't they supposed to be docile for a trigger?
They are hit and miss, I would put the Niger basically the same as a Pinktail. As these fish mature they may become aggressive, and the aggression may get worse.
Melichthys (Pinktail) & Odonus (Niger) are docile for triggers, not as docile as the Xanthichthys (Bluethroat), yet more docile than a Rhinecanthus (Picasso).