Just discovered our Tomato Clowns have eggs - need some advice


randy 12

Today I just discovered eggs in our Tomato Clown aquarium. We are getting ready to remove the other fish that are in there. I have no idea how old the eggs are or anything. There's not a lot of color to them. Some of the eggs look like they have white tips. The eggs are towards the bottom of our overflow box.
I do have the book Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson and am in the process of ready it...quickly.
But I do need some advice right away as to what to do (do I let them hatch in the tank/when they hatch do I then remove them and at what age, etc./and how old anyone thinks these eggs might be.
Any advice is greatly appreciate!!


Bang Guy has some good posts. Look for "Nemo" posts or others by him. I remember him saying that unless you can remove the eggs from the tank attached to a rock or something, he said you will need to have them hatch in the tank and remove the fry to another tank (10 gallon or so).

randy 12

I found his posts. I didn't find the post though about what happened to the fry...what mistake was made. I'd like to know so I don't make the same mistake, if I'm even given the chance.


Hmmm... hopefully Bang will respond (I know he has a lot of posts to respond to!) All I understand is that it's extremely hard to raise the fry - Bang does is successfully, but then again Bang has a 850 gallon lagoon! Has the book helped at all? I bought my B&W clowns from a breeder and it seems complicated with diet, water quality (low salinity), etc. Let me know if you get anymore info - sorry I'm not much help! :confused:

bang guy

I would just let this batch go. Your eggs are going to hatch in a couple days and you need to have a big batch of well fed Rotifers ready for them. You just don't have time right now.
Follow the "Clownfishes" book on growing Rotifers and have them available all the time. The next time you see the eggs you'll have time to grow the batch of Rotifers and have them ready for the fry when they hatch.

randy 12

Thanks Bang for the advice. We'll do that. Where can I get the Rotifers?
This was really a bad week for this to happen anyway. Our 13 year old daughter is having ACL and Meniscal surgery on Tuesday and will be in the hospital overnight. So we won't even hardly be home. And when we are, I'm sure we'll be busy trying to keep her comfortable.
Thanks again!

randy 12

Sorry it took a while to get back to you. The eggs did hatch the night we were in the hospital. There were probably about 80. They were everywhere. But they didn't make it past a day.
I'll e-mail you soon. We just moved and I haven't set up our new e-mail address yet. Thanks for the help!