just discovered white spot


New Member
These are some pics of my tank 4 months down the line, byt as I took these pics I discovered white spot on the Butterfly and the two surgeon fish. My other fis are fine. Please give me any advice. This is the first problem I am encountering and I have not lost a fish yet. These fish are my Babies so please help!!!!


It's probably ick, which is brought on by stress. Tangs need lots of room to roam, expecially your Sohol Tang. The Sohol requires a tank that is 125+ gallons. They also are very territorial when it comes to other tangs. What other fish do you have in there besides the two tangs?


New Member
I have only got a clown fish, Butterfly and two chromis. There is lots of space for a ll of them, and the tangs do not look stressed. They are also eating well


New Member
how do I treat the ich now. Because I want to turn the tank into a reef tank I know I cant use copper. Any sugestions.


You're pretty limited in what you can use to treat them in a reef. There are some medications that you can use, but in my opinion they don't work very well at all. Greenex is one, but can permenantly dye your silicon and decorations blue. Kick ick is also another, but I haven't been to impressed with it either. The method that alot of people sware on is called "Hyposalinity." I don't know to awful much about it, as I have never tried it, but have read quite a bit about it in the disease treatment forum. You need a separate quarintine tank to do this type of treatment.