Just finished upgrading to a 125


Well I just finished upgrading to a 125g. It was a long project that started when I bought a friends old 125 tank stand and canopy. As you will see I changed the color and height of both the stand and canopy. I welcome opinions.
Here is my old 55.
Not a full shot but it is all I have.


well i love it. i think it looks great. so u just added on to the top of the stand to make it higher? i like the new color. looking good.


Yes added the top and made draws so it doesn't look so awkward. The top is totaly new. I needed to make it higher for my MH. It wentr from 6" to 12 " high. The only way to do that without making it look half ass is to remake the whole thing and that is what I did.
Thanks for the nice remarks.


It's beautiful, you did an excellent job! I miss living in FL, the tile floors come in handy when cleaning & doing water changes, they are not so common in TN. Did you get rid of your livestock and start over or were you able to transfer it all? One day I would like to upgrade from my 55 to a 125 too. :joy:


Are those built in overflows? If so this looks exactly like the 125 I am setting up. If you ever get a chance to put more pictures on espeially closeups of your lighting and sump I would appreciate it. I am trying to design mine.


Active Member
Great job! Can you post a picture of the inside of your canopy? :D I'm about to build one for my 70 and I am trying to figure out the best way!


Thanks everyone for your comments. It is a great feeling to be done and fine tuning my stuff.
I lost some fish in the move and one eel that jumped out. Not what I wanted to happen but I guess it comes with the game.
Everything else was transfered over and I also bought more rock.
I will take more pictures of my canopy tomorrow for everyone that wants to see it.


If you have pix of the stand remodel process can you post that too, it's a great idea raising the height of the tank that way without building a new one.


Sorry I don't have pictures of the process.
I intended to but once the project got started I forgot about it.


I think that it looked better before with the freshwater plants, you should put it back.
Looks great, same tank I have. How did you lose the fish during the move? That does suck about the eel, they're sneaky little guys. Are you going for a mixed reef or SPS or what? How is the refugium/sump working out and is it the same design that we went over before?
Good Luck, take it slow and make sure to take a lot of progress pics.


Well the eel jump out and found it on the floor. One fish is missing (don't ask me where it is) the Foxface just ended up dieing in the container as well as the Christmas tree wrasse. I don't know why I even did water changes in the container while they were there.
I will probably do a mixed reef. I will let what I have settle in first. I am still trying to find a spot for my Fiji yellow leather. It really hasn't looke the same since it went in. Kinda looks greenish brown.
The sum/refuge so far is great. I have a few micro bubble going back to the tank. I put some filter floss in the baffel which cut it down but I still have some.
Other than that it is great.
Here is a pic of my canopy for those that wanted to see it.
It is 3 250W MH with 4 65w Actinic03.



Wow, lookin good. I see that you went with te Double Ended MHs, giid choice. Are the UV glass shield missing from them though, if they are you can burn up your corals.