Just found this in my tank?


I just found something in my tank that resembles a centipede. Not sure what it is. It is about an inch and a half long, sand colored with a almost turquiose looking stripe down it's back, tons of legs, scurries away real fast! Does anyone know what it is? I am going to try to find it again so I can take a picture and post it here. But till then, if anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated! Mainly worried about if it is good or bad for my tank. Thank you all!


Active Member
Sounds like a bristleworms. They are good scavengers. Leave it in your tank and don't touch it. They will sting.


Does anyone have a picture of a bristle worm? It doesn't look like a mantis shrimp. Appreciate your input. Thank you. I am still trying to find the little bugger again so I can post a picture of it to find out for sure. So far, this critter is winning this round of hide and seek!


I have been looking at hitch hikers in the archives and I have not found anything that looks exactly like the critter I have, bristle worms and fire worms are the closest but not quite exact. So I am confused. I just can't find the little bugger again so I can post a picture, I will keep trying though.


there are different variations of those 2 types of worms including color size and shape of the body the pics are mainly for representation of the critters.
I would have to say its more than likely a bristle worm though. If you want to see whats really in your tank look at it after about an hour or 2 after lights out with a red lens flashlight since the dont see the red spectrum they wont get spooked and hode youll be able to see whats in there foraging at night.


cool, thanks! I did find another one, different in size and color: The one I just found recently I have seen before, I just have to go back in the archives and look it up again. The first one is the one I haven't seen before in any pictures. It is weird though, I have had the tank up for around 3 years with the live rock and crushed coral; I switched the crushed coral for marine sand that I bought at the pet shop about 8 months to a year ago ( regular prepackaged marine sand, nothing special in it; I plan to buy actual live sand to add), I have never seen anything scooting around in my tank untill last night when I saw the little critter I am so curious about and today when I found the other critter. I am not sure where these critters came from? I have only had about 10 pounds of live rock in the tank that I have never switched or added to yet. I am pretty sure my sand is just the plain jane marine sand. Anyway... I am still trying to figure out my first critter and like I said- I am going back to the archives to find the picture of the second one again. Thanks very much for the advice! Oh, I almost forgot to ask- red lens flashlight: is this a special flashlight or can I put something red and see through over a regular flashlight? Thanks again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seegert
I just found something in my tank that resembles a centipede. Not sure what it is. It is about an inch and a half long, sand colored with a almost turquiose looking stripe down it's back, tons of legs, scurries away real fast! Does anyone know what it is? I am going to try to find it again so I can take a picture and post it here. But till then, if anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated! Mainly worried about if it is good or bad for my tank. Thank you all!
I had the same thing in my tank. I did not think twice about it but after a while I started to hear clicking noises.
Mine was a mantis shrimp and I have not been able to catch him. If you have no clicking then should be a ok.....


red plastic or anything that will cause the light to go red. do you remember the army flashlights that had the different colored disks in it. if you have an army surplus store around you they are fairly cheap and work the best if not I have used everything down to holiday saran wrap that was red over the light.
as far where did they come from the liverock is full of little and big holes I had ones piece of rock in my tank that was about the size of basketball when I was changing tanks i drop it and it had a huge cave in the middle of the rock with tunnels going out from it in all directions and had a ton of criiters in it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seegert
Does anyone have a picture of a bristle worm? It doesn't look like a mantis shrimp. Appreciate your input. Thank you. I am still trying to find the little bugger again so I can post a picture of it to find out for sure. So far, this critter is winning this round of hide and seek!



Originally Posted by MichaelTX
red plastic or anything that will cause the light to go red. do you remember the army flashlights that had the different colored disks in it. if you have an army surplus store around you they are fairly cheap and work the best if not I have used everything down to holiday saran wrap that was red over the light.
as far where did they come from the liverock is full of little and big holes I had ones piece of rock in my tank that was about the size of basketball when I was changing tanks i drop it and it had a huge cave in the middle of the rock with tunnels going out from it in all directions and had a ton of criiters in it.
I figured that anything that changes the light to red would do, but just wanted to make sure that there wasn't a special type of red light for this. It is funny that you mentioned the army flashlights cause I mentioned that to my husband but he doesn't remember them, I played with them when I was a kid, they have multiple lens for them including various colors. Funny that someone else remembers them, I was beginning to think I was one of the only ones after the look on his face when I mentioned it! I had also thought about colored saran wrap. I did notice multiple holes that tunnel through the live rock and figured that my critter was hiding in there.
The critter didn't look like a mantis shrimp, more similar to a bristleworm or fireworm. I have had the tank up and running for around 3 years and never seen anything in it that we didn't place in it till recently. It is entirely possible that there is a mantis shrimp though because I have had no luck with fish surviving long in the tank at all. Although I have never seen nor heard a mantis shrimp in it, but that does not always mean it isn't there I guess. My parameters were always fine, I just figured that I had the wrong fish together. I never found them dead, they were always just permanantly missing. Very bizare! I had 2 yellowtail damsels, 2 ocellaris clowns, a lawnmower blenny, a cleaner shrimp and 7 small hermit crabs in a 38 gallon tank. I upgraded to a 54 gallon corner bowfront, but everything was already missing except a couple hermit crabs and my cleaner shrimp. Since then the cleaner shrimp died (we had him for 2 or 3 years), and now all that is left are 2 hermit crabs.
I am afraid to put fish in there after the luck I had! We intend to buy more live rock because there is not enough in there currently.


Originally Posted by cajamajo
From what I have read on this site you don't have to add live sand. The live rock will seed the sand.
If that is correct, that would be great! Has anyone else ever heard this?


Originally Posted by alyssia
I have looked at the pictures you suggested, it looks most similar to the last picture listed under bristleworms/ fireworms except it is much smaller ( about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long) and I really didn't see any little pokers on it - mostly legs: maybe mine is still young and hasn't developed pokers yet?
I also found one about 1/2 inch long that definitely looks like a bristleworm/fireworm pokers and all, except it was dark reddish brown and black.
Is there any way to tell if there is a mantis shrimp in my tank even if I haven't seen it or heard the clicking noise?
Thanks for your help!