Just getting started.


I got hooked up with a 55g saltwater tank for free. Pretty awesome. Was in huge need of some TLC. Ive gotten it all cleaned up and set up another pump in it as well. Ive added live sand..a few rocks(not live). The tank came with a brittle starfish, engineer gobie, a clownfish and some other fish that lost its color prob a damsel.here are a few pics of my progress.
December 20th (day 1)

December 22nd

December 23rd

December 26th


all the fish and the starfish came in the tank so I didnt want to toss them. The tank came with an Emperor 400 bio wheel filter and a protein skimmer. I was going to upgrade to a wet/dry set up but dont have the room, so I added a Fluval 305 canister filter. My guy at the lfs told me to leave the emperor on there for a month or two, or just straight up leave in on there, cant have to much filtration i suppose.

reef diver

Active Member
imo, later you might want to take it off, they may do a lot of biofiltering, but they dont reduce ur nitrates, the next to last product in the cycle, so later, prob way later u may want to remove it