Just got 14 gal Biocube, any suggestions please?


I was just given one complete with stand. It's brand new (it has 2 24watt bulbs and the moonlights), though I will be starting it with lr, ls, and water from my 56gallon tank that's been going for over eight months past its cycle. The Biocube will only have soft corals (my favs) and two clown gobies. Plus inverts/cleaner crew of course.
I have yet to do anything but put the stand together. So the three chambers in the back (left to right: water pump and sponge, bio balls and overflow tray, tall/skinny filter cartridge and another plastic tray) are untouched, and I would like advice on what to do. I cannot add anything to the outside of the tank, since it stands in the center of the room. But I can change anything I want within the biocube itself.
So, with that in mind, my questions are:
Any recommended mods?
Anything I need to remove from it?
Anything I should add to it?
Does it get enough flow in the chambers, or do any of the openings need to be widened?
Is the flow within the tank sufficient?
What question should I be asking?
Oh, and any recommendations on the number of the following?
-Nassarius snails
-blue-legged hermits
-scarlet-legged hermits
-scutus (I have a bunch in my 56 and they eat algae like nothing else)
-any other cleaner critters?
I am adding one skunk cleaner shrimp, perhaps some peppermint shrimp, and sexy shrimp. The peppermint and sexy ones I don't know how many of each, if either I should add. I'm used to larger tanks...but I love sexy shrimp and have not had any in my larger tank because there's a coral banded shrimp that I'm afraid would eat them. He isn't named 'Bandit' for nothing.
This is my first nano tank, and I just want to make sure I start it off right. Since so many here seem to know this brand I would appreciate any help that could be given.
Thank you so much!


Active Member
Originally Posted by texanangel
I was just given one complete with stand. It's brand new (it has 2 24watt bulbs and the moonlights), though I will be starting it with lr, ls, and water from my 56gallon tank that's been going for over eight months past its cycle. The Biocube will only have soft corals (my favs) and two clown gobies. Plus inverts/cleaner crew of course.
I have yet to do anything but put the stand together. So the three chambers in the back (left to right: water pump and sponge, bio balls and overflow tray, tall/skinny filter cartridge and another plastic tray) are untouched, and I would like advice on what to do. I cannot add anything to the outside of the tank, since it stands in the center of the room. But I can change anything I want within the biocube itself.
So, with that in mind, my questions are:
Any recommended mods?
Anything I need to remove from it?
Anything I should add to it?
Does it get enough flow in the chambers, or do any of the openings need to be widened?
Is the flow within the tank sufficient?
What question should I be asking?
Oh, and any recommendations on the number of the following?
-Nassarius snails
-blue-legged hermits
-scarlet-legged hermits
-scutus (I have a bunch in my 56 and they eat algae like nothing else)
-any other cleaner critters?
I am adding one skunk cleaner shrimp, perhaps some peppermint shrimp, and sexy shrimp. The peppermint and sexy ones I don't know how many of each, if either I should add. I'm used to larger tanks...but I love sexy shrimp and have not had any in my larger tank because there's a coral banded shrimp that I'm afraid would eat them. He isn't named 'Bandit' for nothing.
This is my first nano tank, and I just want to make sure I start it off right. Since so many here seem to know this brand I would appreciate any help that could be given.
Thank you so much!
I would take out the sponges and bioballs, nitrate collectors in a nano. Replace it with Live rock rubble. And occasionally put in some filter floss to clean things up, just not when you feed coral as it removes all the food. I would also add either like a MJ-400 PH into the tank itself for more flow, or upgrade the stock pump to a MJ-900 or 1200 and add a hydorflo revolving flow director, they are freaking AWESOME additions. They go in place of the stock flow director and turn around creating a wave and current action and they are cheap.
I would put an emerald crab in,
2-3 nassarius
3-4 blue leg
4-5 red leg
2-3 astreas
The flow in the back should be sufficient but I am not totally sure, a guy here by the name of Perfect Dard has a 29 biocube (I have 24g nano) and he cut a bit in the back chamber for more flow. Check out his thread https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/265592/my-29-biocube-updated-pics


Active Member
i would scrape the paint off the back of the tank on in the middle chamber so you can attach a light to the back and out some chaeto in the middle chamber
replace the stock pump with something like an MJ900, 1200 would give off too much heat


Active Member
With a nano you most likly will not need a heater, that is the only problem they have is holding heat. All you have to do is open the front access panel and have a little fan that blows across it gently and it will keep it cool. You do want to have a digital thermometer in there to watch for fluctuations. Find a place for the fan that keeps the temp at a steady temp of around 77 at lowest to 82 at highest. And I don't mean that it can jump between the two, fluctuations in temp are very bad, but a steady temp in there will be just fine.


Alirghty, now what should I do as far as a protien skimmer? Is one needed with the 14gal BioCube?
(I read the 'recommended' entire thread, and already plan to widen the flow from the first chamber into the second. I am also upgrading the stock pump, (not sure to what yet, I can take all the time I want since everything's coming from my large DT.) I may even put a splitter on it, if it's one thing I have learned from experience is that flow might be the most important factor in your tank. Lighting being a close second. So I have now
I'm thinking of using the stock pump elsewhere in the tank...eh, I'll probably get a new one anyway. But I know of the 3 or 4 place's I need to have a pump, to get the best current going. I've been playing around with what I have, and I think I know what to order now, if anything, I have so many powerheads and aquarium parts it isn't even funny.
So, flow in and out are covered, and I have so much live rock rubble, I'll have no problem with that. Also filter floss I have, and I think I just found out how to make a fantastic in-chamber refug. Without adding a light box outside, I'll let you know if it works. Thanks!


Active Member
if you put an mj9 into the chamber, will it fit, or do you have to mod the tube to make it fit?
also, what size/gph is the stock pump?
i might want to up mine, but prefer not to have to mod that tube, just incase it doesnt work out.