just got a 29g tank


New Member
Hello all, I just got a 29g tank and i am soooo excited to fill it, i was gonna start with fresh water but after looking around i am considering starting a saltwater tank. I would really appreciate some advise on how i can start. I already have a filter and heater. My i only have a floresent light, do i need something else. Any info would help! Thank you so much!


Active Member

Originally posted by eddieshana
Hello all, I just got a 29g tank and i am soooo excited to fill it, i was gonna start with fresh water but after looking around i am considering starting a saltwater tank. I would really appreciate some advise on how i can start. I already have a filter and heater. My i only have a floresent light, do i need something else. Any info would help! Thank you so much!

Hi Eddie,
Welcome to SWF.com.. I suggest you do some reading before you go buy equipment for a saltwater setup. There are so many options to choose from and you only want to buy hardware for the type of tank you select.. ie fish only fish and live rock.. etc..
Also read up on skimmers... I didnt see that in your list..


Saltwater is much more complicated than a freshwater tank. You should read a book or two on the hobby. It will pay off in the long run. If you get to anxious, you may end up wasting a lot of money on teh wrong equipment or wrong livestock for what you are trying to do. The best advice anyone can give at the beginning is to read.


New Member
Yea i figured i should. I think i am gonna start a freshwater tank now, and get a good book about saltwater and research all i can to learn more about it. I appreciate your advice. Would you have any recomandations on any books out there?


Active Member

Originally posted by eddieshana
Yea i figured i should. I think i am gonna start a freshwater tank now, and get a good book about saltwater and research all i can to learn more about it. I appreciate your advice. Would you have any recomandations on any books out there?

Acutally Ed it will take over a month to cycle your tank for saltwater fish.. You will have plently of time to read while you wait.. You should be able to read enough info over a weekend to know what type of sw setup you want ...
I would hate for you to setup a freshwater tank just "while you read" , if sw is the direction you are heading..


New Member
So if i were to start to cycle my tank what exactly would i need and could you give me an idea on prices, like i said got the tank a 100w heater and hood with floresent light. I really would love to get a couple pices of coral/rock, and 2 or 3 fish then add smaller fish as time goes on. I dont know what kind of coral i saw but it was like a bunch of fingers moving with the water, very pretty! So i would like to get one of those, i dont really want to go crazy with making a reef or anything, atleast for now, Just a small tank with a couple pices of coral and a couple pretty fish. One thing i am worried about is what kind of lighting i need, oh and i really want to put some live plants in the tank. Thanks for your advice guys!


New Member
welcome to the saltwater world. I agreed with Razor, don't use a fresh water tank as a stepping stone!! Totally different exprience.
I will suggest for start, get a lot of Live Rocks, and use Live Sand, DO NOT use Crashed Coral! Salt mix of cause, and let the cycle begin... and then start reading, do research (you will have lots of time to do it). I started off with putting a little bit of household ammonia in the tank to speed things up.
Be patience!! That's the advise I will give you.
Good luck!!:happyfish


New Member
thanks chinawoods, but can you tell me the exact equipment i should get to start, i keep hearing allot about skimmers, is the filter i got good enough, its a 20-30 hangup filter, and is the one floresent light enough. If you could tell me exactly what equipment you would get for a 29g tank that would help me out allot. Thanks guys!


Eddie, the main difference between FW and SW is the level of time required for maintenance and the amount of money. You really should get a book, but here are some of the basic things you will need:
*Standard light (usually included and either incandescent or NO flourescent)
*Substrate (like gravel)
*Livestock $2 - $15 for most FW fish
*New Lighting (if you want to keep anything other than fish you will either need Power Compact flourescent lighting (PC), Very High Output flourescent lighting (VHO), or Metal Halide lighting (MH), for a 29 Gallon, you are looking at $100 - $300)
*Protein Skimmer (instead of filter, although some people use both a skimmer and a filter $80 - $200+)
*Substrate (either Live Sand or Crushed Coral with LS being preferred by most of the people here)
*Live Rock 1 - 2 lbs per gallon usually $4 - $6 per pound pre cured if you find a good deal. This can get pretty expensive
*Water, I get mine pre mixed at the LFS, but water quality is more of an issue with SW than FW, so you really shouldn't use tap water like you can for a FW tank. Even if you do have a fish only SW tank and use tap water, you will still need to buy salt from the LFS which is another added expense.
*Test kit - I have never had to test my FW tank, but I have to test my SW tank regularly and add some chemical additives from time to time
*Livestock - $8 - $crazymoney (although in a 29G probably more like $8 - $30 per fish. If you want corals, they can get pretty pricey)
Depending on what type of SW tank you set up, you will probably spend at least $200 - $500 more than if you made your 29 a FW tank. You will also need patience. With FW you can get your fish the same day you set up the tank. With SW you will set up the tank and have it sitting with just water and Live Rock for about a month before it is ready for fish. Another difference is the amount of fish you can keep. I have a 30G that I switched from FW to SW, and when it was FW I had 15 - 20 small - medium sized fish in it with no problems. Now that it is SW, I only have 3 small SW fish, and I can't see having any more than 5 - 6 small SW fish. Also, because a 29 is so small, you won't be able to keep a lot of fish you may be interested in, no porcupine puffers, no Dory's, no Yellow tangs, no Angel fish (except maybe a dwarf Angel), sadly the list of fish you can't keep in your tank is longer than the list of fish you can keep.
Don't think I'm trying to discourage you, just letting you know what to expect. Before making the switch I read "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Paletta and it helped me a lot. And despite the extra money and effort, I am much happier with my SW tank than I was when it was FW.


New Member
:yes: Great post elpezgrande. Could not have said it any better than that myself!! :D
READ! READ! and READ! But we will be here to help too.


New Member
Thank you guys so much, i will deffinatly take your advive whole hartedly and read, read,read. But i have one question, What and/or where is LFS??


New Member
Thank you Elpezgrand, your advice has deffinatly helped! Know what if i go ahead and get a 55g tank, will i be better off. I deffinatly want to get a tang and some other pretty fish, I dont neccicarely want to have a Reef, (right know anyway), but i do want to get a couple pieces of coral. So what do you think? And where do you suggest i look to buy this stuff? Again thanks for your words, they are much appreciated!

barry cuda

LFS is Local Fish Store. Worth supporting with your dollars if it's a good one, worth going well out of your way to avoid if it's not. I'm continually shocked at the apparently widespread incompetence and/or greed of many LFS operators as noted from the horror stories often posted here.