Just got a baby coral catshark!!!


I just picked up an 7" coral catshark that lookes to be a female. She has explored her new home a little but is a little shy right now. I have a hawk in with her and he goes by her and lookes her up and down then just hops on by. I will probably try to feed her in a few days. I also have a banded shark egg that might hatch out soon to go into the tank also. Any one got good pics of theirs to see an adult.


Active Member
Sadly, I dont think you are able to tell the --- of it yet. Usually with the catsharks, you have to wait until they hit a pretty decent lenght for the organs to develop. I know with Bamboos, they mature at about 2-2 1/2 feet. But, Im not really sure about a coral catshark. Perhaps someone else has the info for sure.


I bought the shark from a lfs for $80. I have read about them and they say that the males are easy to tell due to their large and easily noticed claspers. You may be right about being to young but I looked as hard as I could and say absolutly nothing. It will not matter though cause he or she is pretty cool no matter what. I have seen small bamboo that were for sure males before but this is a slightly different species. One lfs has several mating pairs of them and have eggs now but are waiting to see if they are fertile. These are extremely nice looking sharks when they are adult size.


Active Member
I agree. I have seen many and they are all gorgeous. I like that fact they need almost no room (for a shark) and repro. readily. Any breeding possible in the future? I know I'd take one! Good Luck!!!


She's not exactly an adult, but she's about a year to a year and a half old. I got her from a LFS after a school hatched her and she out grew their tank. She's about 14 inches long.


That's looks like one of the bamboo sharks. The coral catshark looks different.
Check out the book Aquariums sharks and rays on pg.115 for a coral catshark

tony detroit

Active Member
Matrix if you have any problems feeding her, Jan's Tropical Fish on Telegraph has ghost shrimp, they'll make good first foods if she isn't really small. Good luck, those are great aquarium sharks.
AC-nice bamboo
O.K. as for SEXING catsharks they are born MALE or FEMALE, you should notice claspers on the males an NOTHING on the females.
if you havea fullgrown ADULT one it should be LAYING eegs in your tank even w/out the male. just the eggs will be infertile. should look like this. w/ just a yoke in it.


Active Member
I just checked my sharks again last night after feeding and the larger is definately a female. The smaller one however has definately turned out to be male! I was floored because I just checked both of them last week. His claspers are already about 1/2 inch long!!! Im pretty excited.
TONY, it's a HIT or MISS if you get an EGG, if your looking for a MALE it's best to try to find a male that has already hatched.


Just got back from Vegas. I bought the coral cat from a lfs on ford road. I will get the name later. I have been checking with most of them around out area to see what everyone is getting in. One in Woodhaven just got in a beautiful 16" smoothhound but wants around $290 for it. Nice looking though. My bamboo egg just hatched yesterday in my hands. Cool looking baby shark. I have to be careful with the coral cats though cause they will sometimes eat other fish they come across even other sharks. I really want to find a baby white-spotted bamboo shark, so if you see one let me know.

tony detroit

Active Member
Yeah, that's what the smoothies usually go for, if you can find them. Good luck with the coral cat, they're sweet, I was supposed to have one but the lfs I had the deposit with lost it in the power outage last summer.


I believe the store is the same one that had yours before. Ford road near wayne rd. I went by there and picked up another on. They are going for $85 when they have them. I am afraid to put the smoothhound in with my new baby catshark. I am afraid he will eat him. The shark is nice though.