just got a job at a lfs


Active Member
Congrats on the job. Too bad you won't be getting a paycheck and each week you'll end up owing the store more than you get paid each week. :hilarious
I'm helping out my local LFS and running the store for him this week. Thank God I can practive great restraint and pledge, "I will not buy...." and really mean it.
My husband on the other hand - may he never walk into another store where they sell DJ lighting and sound equipment. We'd be living on bread and water with the way he spends money. :scared:
Denise M.


Originally Posted by Merredeth
Congrats on the job. Too bad you won't be getting a paycheck and each week you'll end up owing the store more than you get paid each week. :hilarious
I'm helping out my local LFS and running the store for him this week. Thank God I can practive great restraint and pledge, "I will not buy...." and really mean it.
My husband on the other hand - may he never walk into another store where they sell DJ lighting and sound equipment. We'd be living on bread and water with the way he spends money. :scared:
Denise M.

Just keep convincing yourself your too broke to buy anything.

Oh i jsut figured how much i get off at the LFS i help all the time 25%. near his supply fees for parts i order in too
too bad his supply costs are high fish stock low for hte area.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bojik
Just keep convincing yourself your too broke to buy anything.

Oh i jsut figured how much i get off at the LFS i help all the time 25%. near his supply fees for parts i order in too
too bad his supply costs are high fish stock low for hte area.
Let me clue you in on a little secret - your LFS is still making a profit off each of your purchases at 25% off. If the LFS has mutiple suppliers and knows how to shop for his inventory anyway.
I have a pretty good idea of what things cost. Never the less, that is a good discount from an employee purchases.

They HAVE to stay in business for us, so paying a little more is better than waiting for shipments to come in from online merchants. There have been more times than I care to think about when I needed some NOW
and not later.
Poor planning on my part does not constitute an emergency for an online merchant. However, my LFS has been known to stay in the store a little late for me because he knows I'll be in to get something when in theory the store should have closed. That is a priceless advantage for all of us who make the time to establish a good and close relationship with a local shop.
Denise M.



Originally Posted by Merredeth
Let me clue you in on a little secret - your LFS is still making a profit off each of your purchases at 25% off. If the LFS has mutiple suppliers and knows how to shop for his inventory anyway.
I have a pretty good idea of what things cost. Never the less, that is a good discount from an employee purchases.

They HAVE to stay in business for us, so paying a little more is better than waiting for shipments to come in from online merchants. There have been more times than I care to think about when I needed some NOW
and not later.
Poor planning on my part does not constitute an emergency for an online merchant. However, my LFS has been known to stay in the store a little late for me because he knows I'll be in to get something when in theory the store should have closed. That is a priceless advantage for all of us who make the time to establish a good and close relationship with a local shop.
Denise M.

true true. But i've seen his cost lists a couple times. He has to get from a pretty high supplier. His costs are oftentimes more than online costs for parts. His fish prices are comparable to online prices though. Not too much off me but its better than paying me ;). And saves me the trouble of having to claim taxes and what not from there yet alone from an additional state heh.
And amen. it pays to befriend your fellow fishheads that own shops.

Speaking of such things thrusday i helped him get a round stand alone lobstertank though the window because it would not fit through the door. He got it as a freebie from some store that was glad to be rid of it. works great. he's going to use it for coldwater fish. Counting the display area witch is only atmost 2feet deep theres somewhere over 100gallons in that thing. took foever to fill it. Cost to him some screws to remount the window he already had and some new molding to replace what we damaged on the inside shoving the thing into the store. That was a 4 man job and a TIGHT fit.