Just got a new tank and camera!!


I just got my 180 gallon tank today and soon as i got the tank in the house (2 hours of driving from Jans Trop. fish), it started to snow and we got 3 inches and are suppose to get 6 more later today. hahah just thought i would share that.
Anyways i took pics of the tank and finally i got a pic of the stand. I am glueing the acrylic baffles in the sump and then i will start to fill the BEAST.:happy:
it might take me awhile to take clear pics and to make them fit.
Tony Detroit-i hope this tank stays together.lol i got home owners insurance last week. JIC


Last pic and i was wondering if this stand will be good enough. this is a pic of the sides with 4x4's and 2 2x6's on each side with 2 1/2 by8 inch bolts. sorry for it being blury. i threw in some center beams just for safety, but many people it should be good. I hope.


Active Member
The tank in the second pic. looks awfully "tall", not much "footprint" for sand and rocks.
Maybe you can teach your Eel to stand straight up...:D


4x4's and 2x6's should deffinately support it! I think we all overbuild everything when it comes to our tanks! Congrat's on the new tank.



Originally posted by Squidd
The tank in the second pic. looks awfully "tall", not much "footprint" for sand and rocks.
Maybe you can teach your Eel to stand straight up...:D

I was thinking the same Squidd....
Must be one o' them batfish tanks.....

tony detroit

Active Member
Just consider your floor weight, other than that make sure the tank is level on all axis before you fill it and you should be fine.
Congratulations, my 180 looked so big when I first got it, doesn't anymore but dang it did then. The glass sure is heavy.


The floor is on a concrete slab, and there is no crawl space. so i think i am fine. i just hope the stand holds up. here is a new pic of today, and it will be full on sat.