just got an octo

just brought a pygmy octo to my 10 gallon tank, and im very scared of what might happen but he is really cool, he just ate a piece of krill and he doesnt hide in the rock he is very social, but not active, he only stays in the glass and doesnt move much, and his tentecles are together but only takes out its tentacles to feel its surrounding, im just happy, any other octo keepers in this forum?
the thing is I dont have a digi cam, but I got that new kodak one time use that you can send pic through the computer but i want to wait a couple of days for it to get used to it, and the pic wont come out well but its something.


Make sure their are no opening's on hte tank because octo's are very good at excapeing and are very smart, and usually end up dead on the floor :(


where can one get a pgmy octo, ive neven seen one or heard of one small enough to keep. more info please have an empty 20 gal that needs something cool


as far as your octo I am not real sure about them other than keep a tight lide on him a lower light and try not to stress them to much I now there life spoan isnt all that much but sure how long.
Slappy before you consider getting an octo please read up and make sure you are going to be able to handle it. if one gets stressed in a closed system the ink that it can expell will kill it and anything else in the tank. the are great hudenis (?) and will get out of the smallest hole also.


my lfs had a small octopus, really active, and it didnt hide very much. i would never consider geting one, they just seem to hard to keep and fragile, but im not criticizing u for getting one. im guessing the octopus is the only thing in the 10 gallon rite? like other people sed, just make sure the lid is very titely seeled. even if there is like a tiny opening for like wires with some open space around it, dont take ur chances. the lfs used, like an astro-turf kinda stuff to cover all the holes in the lid


Active Member
yeah I read that several large aquariums who keep octo's use that fake green astro truf carpets as rim aroudn the inside of the tank since the octo's won't touch the stuff ....
- low lights - and make sure they come on slowly
- no other inhabitants as they will most likely become lunch
- they like rock shelfs to hide under
- you can feed them by putting raw shrimp ina bottle with a cork stopper and watch them yank the stopper off and get teh food out of the glass bottle
Did a bunch of research on them a ways back .... not really suitable for a small home aquarium as they like a lot of rock work and like to roam .....
they are fragile creatures but mine has been way hardier than I expected, it hasnt escape nor nothing, but the people in the lfs said that they had him in a small cage with rubber bands and he managed to escape the cage, but did not escape from the tank. he is so cool, he changes colors and everything and I am planning on keeping more in the future. And feeding time is rocks! the octopus is a joubini one of the pygmy species and he shares the tank with a choc chip starfish. He is actually very small about the size of a silver dollar, and they can be kept in small tanks, but they are way cool.


Active Member

Originally posted by Rickster
I think it is really cool that you got an octo. I have never had the guts to actually get one, knowing that they are extremely difficult to keep and most only have a lifespan of a year or so.R

Uhhh, no... octo's have quite the life extent if cared for properly...

Originally posted by melissa v.
I Didn't know octo's would change colors, (are you sure you do not have the poisionus one?)
Melissa V.

Not poisonous, the only small poisonous that is known for now is the blue ring octopus(very easy to identify), but this one isnt, it had been in the lfs for about 2 weeks and the guy hand fed him so its ok, and he does change color to mimic other creatures, for example some species turn into the colors of a lionfish and spread around so a predator such as a shark wont eat him, but what so cool is that yesterday my octopus got inside a empty snail shell and it started mimicking the color of a snail to attrack food very cool.
I would also like to add that octopus normally live from 8-14 months, dont know how old mine is, but you know when they get old because in their last stage in life is when they start acting very slow, they wont eat and they arent as active, then you know he is a goner.