Just got home with a new addition to the tank..(hippo tang)


Hes 2-2.5"s and seems like he loves the tank so far...i have a 72 gallon tank with 100lbs of live rock...a jawfish,clown,and coral beauty...they all seem to like him! My question is the water flow blower seems to strong for him..should i turn it off or will it be ok?? Hes fine unless he swims towards the blower

noah's nemo

JMO,but i think he'll be fine,and eventually get used to it.Probably enjoy it in a matter of time.All my fish love to take rides along the current..


Active Member
You will definitely want to either turn it off or redirect it...as it could push the him into the rock, causing a wound on the fish. I am assuming that you did not quarantine your new addition...watch him like a hawk!!! I did the same thing (added a hippo) that ended up with ick and wiped out nearly my entire tank.
FYI...You will more than likley be getting a visit from the tang police in the near future

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
FYI...You will more than likley be getting a visit from the tang police in the near future
I would be less worried about the Tang police than getting a visit from Ich as
browniebuck noted. You just have to spend a few minutes in the 'disease' section of this site to understand how common this problem is for people who do not use a QT tank.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by stormd
sorry but what is the deal with tang police
If you read through threads where people talk about tangs, it is inevitable that the debate will start about tangs and tank size. It has been argued that tangs are linear swimmers that like open spaces. The debate rages over
the length of the tank that is minimally suited for tangs. Search 'tang police' and several threads will appear so you can familiarize yourself with the arguements pro and con.


its been 7 hrs and the tang is doing great!!! Ever since i dropped him in the tank hes been swimming around following the clown and coral beauty everywhere!!
And i think the tang stole the clowns home! Its a little cave in the rock and the tangs been guarding it...he didnt seem stressed at all which is a good thing right? So far so good


awwww man...I want one really bad...but I am afrid that it will get ich, and wipe out my whole tank...SIGH...lucky you!


Active Member
A few hours or days is not enough time to know if it will be OK and free from ick. If you have not QTd all your fish, ick will ALWAYS be a possible risk, IMO, so you must really really be careful about stressing things out. Most fish will die or develop ick, IME, 48-72 hours after introduction or stress.


Active Member
And also I want to add...
I don't see the need (a new trend) to add "you'll be getting a visit from the tang police!" It is unproductive, and unecessary, and a good way to flame a possible fire, get a jab in, and then complain about it later. This is not the first thread I've seen like this today. So as I'm still a bit annoyed by the recent flare ups on this very sort of topic, I would ask people to read this thread . Thanks
It is nothing personal, but it is fuel for a fire and I have a low tolerance for it right now.


actually I think the hippo tang is the only fish that I would not quarantine. I prepaid for my 3 inch hippo tang and asked the lfs to keep it single in the tank it was in. Two weeks later I brought the fish home after a thorough inspection for disease. I then acclimated and introduced at nightime. It is very important to keep the hippo tang as stress free as possible. Unless your qt tank is huge, I think this stresses the hippo. I've had my hippo tang for a couple years now and I think the key to tangs is keeping nori on a clip as much as possible. Good luck


Active Member
Yes, I agree. Stress free and good nutrition. I always rub fresh garlic on the nori and have actually started grating it and rubbing the gratted garlic on there, making sure to leave little pieses on it. My hippo, and sixline love to eat pieces of garlic before they actually eat the seaweed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xeniaman
actually I think the hippo tang is the only fish that I would not quarantine. I prepaid for my 3 inch hippo tang and asked the lfs to keep it single in the tank it was in. Two weeks later I brought the fish home after a thorough inspection for disease. I then acclimated and introduced at nightime. It is very important to keep the hippo tang as stress free as possible. Unless your qt tank is huge, I think this stresses the hippo. I've had my hippo tang for a couple years now and I think the key to tangs is keeping nori on a clip as much as possible. Good luck
I went this same route last year and it opened my tank to disaster; every fish got ich and I lost 2 in the process.
IMO, if you don't QT, then don't wonder where ich mysteriously came from. I will never skip the QT process again, and I highly suggest that no one else does either. It's too big of a risk to bring into such a fragile ecosystem. It's not just for the ich issue, but also to be sure there aren't other diseases or issues with fish, and to make sure they're eating successfully prior to putting them into any display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xeniaman
actually I think the hippo tang is the only fish that I would not quarantine. I prepaid for my 3 inch hippo tang and asked the lfs to keep it single in the tank it was in. Two weeks later I brought the fish home after a thorough inspection for disease. I then acclimated and introduced at nightime. It is very important to keep the hippo tang as stress free as possible. Unless your qt tank is huge, I think this stresses the hippo. I've had my hippo tang for a couple years now and I think the key to tangs is keeping nori on a clip as much as possible. Good luck
I do the same thing. My LFS (hubby) kept my new fish in QT for me. The only time I have done the home QT for a tang it died of ich. I do believe it got stressed out from being confined to a small tank. The tank he was in at LFS was a huge DT with no other fish for 3 months, When they broke the tank down, I took it home to my QT and he got ich 10 days later. Hubby has since quit his job at the LFS, I am hoping they will still QT fish for me.