just got liverock


hey ya'll just an update I just got My other 50 lbs of sand and 75 lbs of live rock....... tones of life on them actually starting to look like an aquarium tons of mini stars?/ ((brittle stars half inch in diameter or less as well as a couple red mini stars)) few different types crabs and small shrimp and copepods... am excited in case can't tell LOL
ok all for now
with mine i got a 1.5 inch stupid crab that killed 2 damsels, i am in the process of trying to get it out, or putting my clown tirgger in there for a day or two. and for future reference on the site instead of lPS we use lfs , just incase you see that you wont get confused.


I actually got the rock from mail order... don't think allowed to say site here but if interested can email me at rmdavis@bayou.com ... :D

nm reef

Active Member
rmdavis....sounds like a good plan coming together.......congrads on the addition of quality rock........personally I believe quality lr and live sand are the foundation for a sw tank ......either fo or reef.......keep us posted on your progress