Just got Macro for Fuge and have some Q's


Active Member
My 75 gal fuge has been up for over two months now... The long brown hair algae is all over it.. I just got cheato in the mail 3 days ago and was wondering a couple of things.
first... is 2-65watt pc's enough light for cheato? There ais really only around 50 gallons for the fuge the lights have no cover and are 3 inches from the water. I keep trying to prop them up on some egg crate but keep falling off.
second... should I remove the hair algae or will it just go away... there are thousands of pods all over it.
third... how long will it usually take for the macro to grow? i know it depends on lighting and such but is it weeks... or months???


i trim mine once a month or so whenever i look at the tank and go "WOW i need to trim!" that should be enough light for it to survive and it likes alot of flow as well.


Active Member
just to be sure though... if does start to die... what will it look like? will it just receed or will it turn brown???


Active Member
Can I remove all the brown hair algae from the fuge???? I did it once before... some of it and it started growing in my display tank. I did not have macro at the time though. So.... can i get it out of there???