Just got my 2.5 gallon pico!!!



I just purchased my little pico tank and am very excited about getting it set up. I was wondering what kind of fish, if any would do okay in this small of a tank.
I am making it into a reef tank and wanted to have a small fish in it, thinking mabye a small clown goby? I am really wanting a panda clown goby but dont know much about them.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
cool, be sure to post pics. i have a thread asking about panda gobys. people say they are hard to get and hard to take car of. i tihnk if u can get one, it will fit


Active Member
You could also find a small clown or hawk fish, although you would eventually have to move them to you larger tank. You could also just do an all corals tank with a seahorse


Originally Posted by bjoe23
heres the thread
I actually posted in that thread, i would love to get a panda clown goby, but im worried that since i would have sps baranching coral that it wont do welll. and i havent been able to find anyone that has one. I would love to get one though!!!


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
You could also find a small clown or hawk fish, although you would eventually have to move them to you larger tank. You could also just do an all corals tank with a seahorse
Would a pygmy sea horse do okay in that small of a tank?


Active Member
I think dwarf sea horses would do fine in a 2.5 gallon, but the water conditions have to be kept PERFECT, which is very difficult to do in a tank that small.


Im not sure if i would be that into the sexy shrimp. I am going to try and home make a sump (Its so small it would be about the size of a dixie cup!!) haha
I am wanting to use a container around a gallon and a half.
I am going to have the tank drilled, run the hose with the run off water flow through a sponge then a layer of activated carbon and another layer of sponge. Then have it flow through some live rock rubble, then return back up with a small powerhead. Does this sound like an okay idea?


if ur willing to pay the money would a spike fin goby work?
on this site it says they are like 1/4"


Originally Posted by bjoe23
but do u really need it?
Ive found some filters made for tanks up to 5 gallons, im just not sure how well they would work, it would also be much easier to do water changes because i could just do it outside of the tank. I also wouldnt have to put the thermometer and the heater inside the very small tank.
I want to make sure that the corals are getting the cleanest water possible.
Its going to be homemade, and i already have most of the things i need to make it work, so im not planning n spending much money.


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
You could also find a small clown or hawk fish, although you would eventually have to move them to you larger tank. You could also just do an all corals tank with a seahorse

from what i know seahorses like lots of vertical area to move up and down in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
Would a pygmy sea horse do okay in that small of a tank?
Please read carfully about dwarf seahorse, though they would fit nicely in that size tank, they need a sterle tank. hydrods will kill them, pest anemonis will kill them. they need newly hatched brine several times a day. got to the seahorse forum, there are several threads regarding them