Just got my first 2 clowns


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrsgoose
OK, here they are! Happy as can be for now. I noticed a big depression in the sand, looks like they were either lying down (?!) or swirling up the sand? Has anyone else seen theirs do this?
So, here they are. I think they're oscellaris - I paid $26 ea. Is that a lot? I was kind of spontaneous about it...
Well....at my lfs I can get a pair for $26. But your fish are VERY cute, so what's done is done. And yes, a full tank shot would be nice. Congrats on the clowns! :cheer:


Here's a full tank shot, but from a few weeks ago. I justgot the clowns on Friday. Am wondering - do they tend to make ditches in the sand? After the first night there was one about the size of a lemon, today a much bigger ditch in the same spot.

they tend to hang out in the right corner. Also, I noticed my peppermint shrimp has been out more since they arrived. Everyone loves feeding time!
Thanks for all the feedback - I'm so psyched to have fish finally! How long should I wait before adding another? I'd also love a frogspawn for them to host.