i have a behavior question for you guys
i have an almost 3 month old 10 gal
ls, lr, and water all from a 200gal from my lfs so it cycled quick
i have a small maroon clown along with an anemone, 3 turbos, coral banded shrimp, strawberry crab, and 1 red hermit crab......anyways
the clown is very healthy...good color, no spots, eats good, but he tends to swim at the top of the tank by my filter and powerhead, actually he tends to float. last night he was floating face up and almost out of the water, i touched him on the face and he barely moved and then proceeded to swim back into the center of the tank like he woke up and then was wondering if i was going to feed him. he probably spends 60% of the day there???????? any ideas???? when i first got him i had a damsel and they practically paired up in a hole in my lr but since i got rid of the damsel he has been paired up with my filter???is that it???