Just got my first fish!


I finally just got my first fish! 2 little perculas! They're so cute! I will try to post pictures later- when the light turns on. Just had 1 question- how long does it take for them to get comfortable? Last night they just stayed in one corner the whole time. Now this morning- there is one on each end of the tank in the corners. They seem like they are scared to really swim around the tank...


Give them a couple days. It's really normal that they are acting like this. Nothing to worry about. Once they start eating, then you should have no problem. I only worried about any new fish when they are not eating.


New Member
My clowns took about 2 days to get used to my tank and started to explore after that.. They still "sleep" in the corners of the tank but during the day they swim freely around the tank..
They are inseperable now.. Never more than 2 inches away from each other most of the time...


Active Member
Mine seemed to like sleeping up in the corner too for some reason. I always hoped it would move in with my torch coral or bed of star polyps but it never did. It was a tank raised perc.


Active Member
I'm now keeping my second pair of clowns, and the current pair took about a month until they appeared totally comfortable with their environment. The first pair was comfortable within two weeks. It just takes clowns awhile to move away from the comfort zone they take up as soon as they move into the tank.


Thanks everyone. They seem to be a little more comfortable now- they are slowly venturing out little by little. Glad to know this is normal!


Wait until they mate. I have had mine for about 2 years now and I swear if the name rabbitfish wouldn' t have been taken, they should have given it to them. Almost every week or so there is a new batch of eggs that have been attached to my live rock and they just hover no farther than about half way away.


You guys/gals are killing me I really miss the two I had. Maybe I will go and get 2 in the a.m.


Their eggs have never gotten that far. I guess when they hatch or release from the rock, it 's like the buffet at Caesar's in Las Vegas for the rest of the fish in my tank.


ive got 2 percs too and they do the same thing, they sleep in the corner. isnt it true that the female is bigger than the male? and if u have 2 of the same sexes in a tank wont one of them switch sexes?


Active Member
I have the same occurence in my tank. My perculas love the left side of my tank beneath my rio powerhead. And so do my other fish. It's something about that side that I can't figure out. My tang loves over there too. My butterfly is the only one that ventures out. A week after I got my perculas they started racing across the top section of my tank and then it stopped and they've been to the left ever since. I hope they start swimming around. They definitely eat though.


My percs have started to venture out little by little. Every once in awhile I will see them swim around, but they stay in the left corner most of the time too. weird...
Have you guys had any problems feeding? I've tried flake food, and they just swim around and look at that. I tried frozen brine- I saw one eat just a tiny bit. And then I finally made some of my own food with a food processor- I blended shrimp, octopus, mussels and scallops with nori and a tiny bit of carrots and a little bit of garlic -All the percs did to that was eat some and spit it out. Eat some and spit it out. Hopefully they will get used to it and really start eating....


Active Member
i just read a thread about the percs spitting their food out. apparently thats what they do eat, spit, eat, spit, mine do the same too.;
guess they are just "clowning" around

sorry that was a bad joke:D


i have a behavior question for you guys
i have an almost 3 month old 10 gal
ls, lr, and water all from a 200gal from my lfs so it cycled quick
i have a small maroon clown along with an anemone, 3 turbos, coral banded shrimp, strawberry crab, and 1 red hermit crab......anyways
the clown is very healthy...good color, no spots, eats good, but he tends to swim at the top of the tank by my filter and powerhead, actually he tends to float. last night he was floating face up and almost out of the water, i touched him on the face and he barely moved and then proceeded to swim back into the center of the tank like he woke up and then was wondering if i was going to feed him. he probably spends 60% of the day there???????? any ideas???? when i first got him i had a damsel and they practically paired up in a hole in my lr but since i got rid of the damsel he has been paired up with my filter???is that it???


Active Member
i'll give you a bump here, sounds kinda weird (but i am new to the hobby of sw too), did you try the diseease forum yet?



Originally posted by CindySki
i just read a thread about the percs spitting their food out. apparently thats what they do eat, spit, eat, spit, mine do the same too.;
guess they are just "clowning" around

sorry that was a bad joke:D

you couldn't help yourself could ya? lol, I would not have been able to hold back either!