just got my first fish


just happy i got my fish and inverts there doing ok, i got them yesterday and they are doing fine: 2tomato clowns 1urchin and 1cbs just wanted to let everyone know :D :D


New Member
Happy for you! Just take it slow and don't get impatient like we did. I bought a fish like every week or so and ended up just killing them all cuz I didn't know about quarantine tanks and how VERY Important they are! So be calm and QUARANTINE, QUARANTINE, QUARANTINE! And no more than 1 "BABY" every month or so to be safe. GOOD LUCK! ;)


the tomatos are doing fine they're eating everything i put in there and are very active, its weird because they like to surf the current from the powerhead, they also dont fight at all
the urchin just sits in a corner he moves around at night though because hes in a different part of the tank everyday
my favorite is the cbs i just like the way he looks and how he moves, hes already found a part in the rocks that he likes