Just got my first stoney coral!


Active Member
ive been eyeballing a very nice plate coral up at my lfs for months now.. and i bought him today. my waters been stable with all levels at 0 and i felt confident in getting it.. its starting to extend its little tenticales already and its only been in the tank for a little over a hour.. ill post a pic of it once my battries in the cam finish charging.. for now heres a pic of it i took a little while ago at the lfs.


Active Member
full shot of it... am i right that it dont need to be spot feed.. but it would be good to do it every now and then.. or should i spot feed him some mysid or something?


that guy is beautiful!!!! either that or your camera and settings are tweeked.....anyway nice fungia....he looks like he is very puffed up in the pics...mine did that whenever i added more light to the tank and when he puffed up he would then float way to a different spot....i think your right about feeding them....some people dont feed at all and others feed every week....i personaly have been feeding mine every week or two for the last ~10 months and he has gotten big!!! so anyway i believe they can benefit some alittle spot feeding
good luck


Active Member
ah.. wish i would have seen the spot feed on the first day.. i left shortley after adding him to go skating at vans.. im going to pick up some frozen mysis tomorrow after work thaw some out and try a sopt feed.... hehe ive never spot fed anything.. should be fun.. are they cool watch eat?
lol yeah carole.. that must have been fun.. doug must have been hauling but to throw a bucket of salt out of the bed of his truck.. did you ever find it.. i thought if you did it would be all over the road


it is cool to watch them eat!!! i put live or frozen brine right next to the mouth....the reason for this is becasue i have fish and shrimp that will steal the food from the plate before he eats it....and i dont want to sit there to long fending them off