Just got my Purple Firefish


I ahve been wanting a Purple Firefish for some time now and finally got one. We were on the way home from my parents and I took a driver to the LFS to waste a little time and they had gotten one in yesterday. I have been asking for one and never on the stock list. They are not in stock on this site either. Pic is not the grreatest, and it is hiding now. I will try and get a better pic soon.


I just bought a pair of regular firefish today! good luck with yours, it looks to have some real nice color


Thanks, and good luck with yours too. I wanted a pair of Purple and was told they would fight, told the same about the regular also. were yours sold as a pair, or did you just buy two?


the guy at my lfs said they could be kept in pairs or trios.(both purple and regular) I wanted to get a pair of purples but couldn't resist the price of 10.00 ea for the regular.


Active Member
Those are so pretty! Good luck with yours and be sure not to keep a warm tank. I lost a purple one a year ago when my tank temp went to 84.


I bought two regulars (not a mated pair) and they never fought, shared the same bolthole, and seemed to get along very well. Maybe I just got lucky though
Have fun with yours, I really like the purple ones!


here are some better pics. when I get my next tank set up I may try and add a second one as long as I have somewhere for it to go if needed.



Beautiful fish for sure!!
I have a pair of regular firefish and they get along great but from what I hear, it's very hit or miss if they'll get along or not. I have more than one tank so was prepared to seperate if need be.


I have a purple and red firefish. They get along great. Although they stay back in the rocks most of the time unless its feeding time. Very pretty fish.


Active Member
We have had ours for a couple of years now....... Great little fish, but about once a month he disapears for a few days???. Then like magic there he is back again.. Good Luck with yours......... Warren



Yep, it definately hides in the rocks. This one has chosen to hide in the little rock in the front of the tank. You can see it in the pictures above. It is the small rock the fish is above. Comes out to eat, but is scarres of the Butterflies.


I have a 46 gal tank w/ 45 lbs LR.
I had 2 clowns and 1 Royal gramma, and then i added one purple, and one regular firefish.
The RG really picked on the regular FF, and the Purpel FF wan't too nice to it either. He got a red spot on his abdomen (probably bruises from being bullied. He wound up dieing.
My lFS writes on the tank "ONLY 1 PER TANK". when i bought them, i told them i heard positive experiences on this site. I wish i would have listend to them.
May i suggest the name KOTEX for the red firefish? think about it